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126 风景区旅游收费大揭秘 2015/10/13 9:31:24
125 股灾追悼会,被我翻出来了 2015/10/12 12:44:45
123 Baby panda engage in a gang fight(大熊猫宝宝打群架了) 2015/10/12 12:39:14
118 The parrot more watching porn, have learned to call A bed, too realistic(鹦鹉看多了A片,都学会了叫床,太逼真了) 2015/10/12 12:05:34
115 Base the monkey Dally with tiger, are you sure you have seen(贱猴子调戏老虎,你肯定没见过) 2015/10/7 21:48:52
112 Taiwan subway live erotic drama(台湾地铁上演活春宫) 2015/10/7 21:33:36
111 Make women are ghost on bed, clothes are stripped away(实拍女子被“鬼压床”,衣服都被扒掉了) 2015/10/7 21:29:23
105 美女警察给司机跳脱衣舞,太放肆,我怎么没赶上 2015/10/5 11:12:15
104 毁三观95后萌妹自爆与小男生开房全过程 2015/10/5 11:08:03
103 做了几百次,才成功一次 2015/10/5 10:55:36
102 中国教育产业化现状 2015/10/5 10:53:57
99 听说美女有男朋友以后马上翻脸了 2015/10/5 0:43:34
96 日本浪人的决斗 2015/10/5 0:35:25
95 可爱猫猫挥拳互殴,天下武功唯快不破 2015/10/5 0:34:24
94 不流氓,你连禽兽都不如 2015/10/5 0:20:28
89 女猪脚演播厅现场开打,直接见红 2015/9/30 9:40:21
88 The fighter jet of the rooster(公鸡中的战斗机) 2014/12/4 20:32:02
86 苗阜、王声的相声之满腹经纶-看了N次了,每次都笑翻了 2014/11/5 2:01:27
85 Dogs that could dance the tango,are you seen?(会跳探戈的狗,见过吗?) 2014/11/5 1:29:33
83 Took place in the sleeper train sexy temptation(发生在火车卧铺的性感诱惑) 2014/11/5 1:09:15

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Competitive fighting(竞技格斗)
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War and military(战争与军事)
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Legendary and fun (世事感悟)
Finance and Economics (财经八卦)
The game strategy(游戏攻略)
Health care methods(健康保健)
Fantasy and emprise (玄幻武侠)
Romance novel(情感都市)
Heart purification(散文随笔)
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Humorous jokes(天天开心)
Knowledge of live(生活知识)
The daily news(新闻时事)

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Scenery (自然风景)
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Portray a person(人物写真)
Funny Pictures (天天开心)
Daily life pictures(世事无常)
The world of animals(动物世界)
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