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136150 直播只放PPT?Facebook终于出手禁止了 - Facebook,直播 175 0
136087 Facebook is down, users only to let off steam on Twitter......,(Facebook宕机,网友们只能到Twitter上发泄不满……,) 207 0
136027 Facebook did $1 billion wasted no, Instagram over 700 million monthly active users,(Facebook当初10亿美元没浪费,Instagram月活跃用户超过7亿,) 246 0
135831 Facebook,COO said he saved her life: every time I want to cry but I can’t find him,(Facebook,COO称扎克伯格拯救了她的生命:每次想哭都找他,) 141 0
135823 投资慈善:扎克伯格去年卖掉价值10亿美元Facebook股票 - 扎克伯格,Facebook,慈善 106 0
135492 German Government supports heavy penalties social platforms such as Facebook: against false news(德国政府支持重罚Facebook等社交平台:打击虚假新闻,) 194 0
135319 Facebook CEO扎克伯格公布喜讯:咱家二胎要来了 - Facebook,扎克伯格 210 0
135274 BBC entrapment, upload pornographic images, Facebook to court(BBC钓鱼执法,上传色情图片,被Facebook告上法庭) 236 0
135115 Facebook’s “small target“: 500 miles in Africa fibre,(Facebook的“小目标”:在非洲铺设500英里光纤,) 156 0
134782 扒一扒扎克伯格的Facebook账号,原来状态发得这么6 - 扎克伯格,Facebook 220 0
134683 USA live streaming platform share out: Facebook tops but the advantage is very small,(美国直播平台占有率出炉:Facebook居首但优势很小,) 170 0
134532 Supermodel rage against Facebook: Snapchat copied my boyfriend too embarrassing,(超模怒斥Facebook:抄袭我男友的Snapchat太丢人,) 214 0
134430 为让更多人有机会学习编程,Facebook操碎心 - Facebook,编程 195 0
134385 旧金山房租疯长:扎克伯格愿捐巨款帮助居民 - 旧金山,facebook 188 0
134382 扎克伯格被Facebook股东要求退出董事会,卸任董事长 - 扎克伯格,Facebook 219 0
134291 五组数字了解Facebook惊人的互联网统治力 - Facebook,Instagram,WhatsApp 151 0
134224 Trump immigration deal unpopular: Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, against(特朗普移民新政不得人心:微软、苹果、谷歌、脸书一齐反对) 251 0
134144 扎克伯格悄悄做了这么多事情,他会竞选美国总统吗? - 扎克伯格,Facebook,小扎 151 0
133818 Why fewer foreign population? Facebook users invented as a dying new play,(外国人口数量为啥少?facebook网友发明作死新玩法,) 183 0
133638 人生赢家说的就是他!回顾Snapchat CEO斯皮格尔成长史 - Snapchat,泰勒斯威夫特,Facebook 197 0
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