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120114 Xinhua News Agency: the letter despite the difficulties, but should carry the responsibility of cleaning your circle of friends,(新华社:微信虽有苦衷,但应扛起净化朋友圈的责任,) 258 0
120091 Heart is so big, one Chinese woman was blown down by a car after lying to play micro-letters(心真大,某中国女子被车刮倒后躺地玩微信,) 237 0
120079 App deals worth up to 8 digits? May not,(微信成交价值高达8位数?可能一分都没有,) 272 0
119951 Value of 8 digits: micro-letter domain names after all, Tencent,(价值8位数:微信weixin.com域名终归腾讯,) 288 0
119931 Micro has introduced a number of new features: meal opened electronic invoices to reimburse,(微信推出多项新功能:吃完饭开张电子发票去报销,) 262 0
119723 Test: micro figure made by the circle of friends that are the most clear,(实测:微信朋友圈这样发图最清晰,) 232 0
119717 Opening micro-circle of friends forwarded chain: click a earned 5 cents(揭微信朋友圈转发产业链:点击一个赚5分钱,) 260 0
119712 Micro-the 10 most annoying behavior,(玩微信最让人讨厌的10种行为,) 245 0
119704 Future, the app can report fraud information directly on the QQ,(今后,微信QQ上可直接举报诈骗信息,) 207 0
119681 2016 TOP10 friends rumor stage II: Stephen Chow Sing-Chi “by“ death,(2016微信朋友圈谣言TOP10第二期:周星驰“被”去世,) 260 0
119604 微信问政:天水市乡镇领导干部微信工作群速写 282 0
119560 Spread micro-circle of friends “smart drugs“ can improve your score? The truth is,(微信朋友圈疯传“聪明药”可提高成绩?真相在此,) 246 0
119556 Probe into the drive letter how dangerous? Effect of sixth sense,(开车发微信有多危险?影响第六感,) 238 0
119261 Shenzhen launch micro-bonus rewards to report traffic violations: people have taken to the streets......,(深圳上线微信红包奖励举报交通违规:市民纷纷走上街头……,) 316 0
119247 Micro-new scam letter: “micro-groups“ but are liars,(微信新骗局:“公司微信群”除了自己都是骗子,) 240 0
119205 看着眼熟:微信朋友圈标题党必备术语 - 标题党,微信,朋友圈 319 0
119054 Network red micro-letter issued regrets North drift have been for 8 years, pony mail: I am 32 years,(网红微信发文感慨北漂已8年,马化腾留言:我都32年了,) 326 0
118895 Twitter combined with the Ministry of public security push “platform of national denial“: will report the blood stick rumors,(微博联合公安部推“全国辟谣平台”:可举报微信贴吧谣言,) 272 0
118663 Jingdong lose 300 million yuan in the first quarter, Tencent QQ, the app not to force diversion,(京东一季度亏3亿元,腾讯QQ、微信导流不给力,) 271 0
118388 Emotional problems, Hangzhou depression girls micro live suicide(感情出问题,杭州抑郁症女孩微信直播自杀,) 230 0
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