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37109 盘点贪官众生相-在事迹败露前为全家办好绿卡 261 0
37042 媒体盘点落马女贪官-以色谋权 陷“美容腐败” 299 0
35707 澳媒揭秘中国原铁道部贪官如何在澳大利亚藏钱-贪官 316 0
35664 广东多名保外就医厅处级贪官重新被收监 311 0
33309 日媒-中国关押贪官的“豪华监狱”人满为患-豪华监狱 284 0
32484 广东纪委书记-裸官未必是贪官但往往是贪官前奏-裸官 283 0
30478 广东省反贪局详解腐败官员外逃路线图-贪官外逃-腐败 247 0
30477 广东反贪局解贪官外逃路线:先转移财产后出逃-贪官外逃 262 0
18967 江苏泰州退休职工实名举报贪官获奖 318 0
11253 教授-部分青年及其父母误认为公务员等于贪官-网友期待-舆情监测室 313 0
10523 “Ya okay“ covert channel exchanges into bribery, corrupt officials keen to rare antiques(“雅好”交流成受贿隐秘通道,贪官热衷珍奇古玩) 337 0
10405 Corrupt officials in Henan Readme with steel cabinets in cash, 2 times a week feel(河南贪官自述用铁柜放现金,每周看2次心情舒畅) 318 0
9441 Jiangsu, a corrupt officials put a confession: officials at a disadvantage starting money(江苏一名贪官登报忏悔:觉得当官吃亏开始收钱) 331 0
9345 中纪委剖析贪官“雅贿”:赝品也成洗钱工具-中纪委-倪发科 347 0
3549 中华苏维埃共和国成立后判死刑首位贪官-苏维埃-中华-谢步升_新浪新闻 364 0
1259 Hefei polygraph anti-corruption officials confident prosecutors used to lie was asked to crash(合肥检方用测谎仪反腐 贪官自信来测谎被问崩溃) 414 0
590 Lok probably corrupt officials involved in urban construction and real estate development(八成落马贪官涉及城建和房地产开发) 416 0
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