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129304 Gods of Central South University President Zhang yaoxue: should stay away from micro-credit, mobile phones and Korean College students,(中南大学男神校长张尧学:大学生应远离微信、手机与韩剧,) 240 0
129196 Contraceptive sterilization was breeding of seedless grapes! Micro-circle of friends the rumor injury Penglai fruit(避孕药培育无核葡萄吃了绝育!微信朋友圈谣言害苦蓬莱果农,) 205 0
129019 Micro letter “e-License“ line in Shenzhen: “driving without a license,“ don’t have to pay the fines,(微信“电子驾驶证”深圳上线:“无证驾驶”不用交罚款,) 195 0
129005 CCTV exposure: Olympic celebration envelopes into new scams, links carefully,(央视曝光:奥运庆功红包成微信新骗局,链接慎点,) 148 0
128998 今天起微信朋友圈发广告不标注,最高面临10万元罚款 - 微信,朋友圈,广告 164 0
128906 法官提示:网络借贷须谨慎,微信支付宝聊天记录可作为证据 - 微信,支付宝 214 0
128903 微信公布朋友圈8月份十大谣言:“李连杰心梗死亡”上榜 - 微信,朋友圈,谣言 193 0
128701 Payment card, micro-payment in Hong Kong, might not look so beautiful,(支付宝、微信支付登陆香港,可能不如看起来那么美,) 266 0
128574 国家信访局微信公众号9月1日开通:支持网上信访 - 信访局,公众号 266 0
128549 9月1日起公众可通过微信公号信访投诉(图) 231 0
128540 Sike PayPal! Micro letter also get pay licence(死磕支付宝!微信也拿到香港支付牌照,) 267 0
128536 Like “cheating“ Facebook will copied the app then copy QQ? ,(喜欢“作弊”的Facebook,会不会抄完微信再抄QQ?,) 261 0
128447 Return to cheated thousands of credulous app store high, thousands of users to sue Tencent,(轻信微信商城高额返现被骗千万,上千用户起诉腾讯,) 237 0
128439 Micro-new scam: “dead friend“ scams, many people have been fooled,(微信新骗局:“僵尸好友”诈骗,已有多人上当,) 247 0
128438 Micro officials pushing the “circle of friends of primary advertising“ is what? Behind the technical analysis(微信官方力推的“朋友圈原生广告”是啥?背后技术解析,) 240 0
128437 Micro letter reportedly arbitrary code execution vulnerability self-test programme(微信被曝任意代码执行漏洞,附自检方案,) 227 0
128417 Don’t fall for it! CCTV opening micro-circle eight new scams,(千万别上当!央视揭微信朋友圈八大新骗局,) 272 0
128400 两周赚10万元:网曝微信公众号拉人投广告涉嫌传销 - 微信,微信公众号 260 0
128330 The app user friends crazy false advertising, Commerce and industry penalties,(微信用户朋友圈疯狂发虚假广告,被工商局处罚,) 259 0
128292 微信只允许2级分销,否则将封停账号 - 微信,分销,传销 280 0
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