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138845 中国电信公布前三季度财报:利润185亿元,4G用户1.68亿户 233 0
137689 印度首富推免费4G功能手机Jio Phone:不限数据流量 - 印度,4G手机,功能机 163 0
133629 China built the world’s largest network of 4G, the number of users reached 734 million(中国建成全球规模最大的4G网络,用户数达7.34亿) 147 0
133352 2016 China Internet industry revenue growth over 40%,4G users exceeded 700 million people,(2016年中国互联网行业收入增长超40%,4G用户突破7亿人,) 287 0
132727 Spratly reef defenders changed the conditions of officers and soldiers: 4G, two hospitals, football(南沙官兵守礁条件今非昔比:4G,二甲医院,足球场) 157 0
132048 Global 4G network competition: Korea covering the widest Singapore fastest(全球4G网络比拼:韩国覆盖最广,新加坡最快,) 210 0
126569 New media: China Telecom 4G signal covers the Spratly Islands(新媒:中国电信4G信号覆盖南沙群岛) 286 0
126209 Line 4G signal the Shanghai subway line opened: speed can go up to 100Mbps(上海地铁新五线4G信号全线开通:网速可飙至100Mbps,) 238 0
125628 Beijing Metro line 4G full coverage,(北京多条地铁线实现4G全覆盖,) 264 0
123919 运营商推4G套餐不限流量遭吐槽-低速时重回2G 242 0
120637 China’s three biggest carriers data: moves twice times the 4G user is the total Telecom China Unicom,(中国三大运营商数据对比:移动4G用户是联通电信总和的两倍,) 270 0
120455 China Mobile’s net increase of 14.9 million 4G users in April: far exceeds the total number of 3G users(中国移动4月净增4G用户1490万:总数远超3G用户,) 281 0
120080 Before the Google IO Conference: SINA says United States 4G slag speed, user has fallen(谷歌IO大会前:新浪记者称美国4G网速渣,网友吵翻) 267 0
118444 Shanghai Disney camera-ban, 4G signal coverage,(上海迪士尼禁自拍杆,4G信号基本全覆盖,) 274 0
116419 Qatar National Bank 1.4GB data breaches involving British military intelligence agency intelligence,(卡塔尔国家银行1.4GB数据泄露:涉及英军情六处情报,) 273 0
116071 The first Intercity metro-wide free WiFi: 4G speeds of nearly 7 times,(国内首条城际地铁开通全环境免费WiFi:是4G网速近7倍,) 246 0
109378 过年回老家没网?“奇招”解决尴尬 - WiFi,4G 278 0
109210 超美、日,中国4G网速全球排31位 - 4G网速,LTE网速 264 0
108357 连续11个月用户下滑,中国联通如何自救? - 中国联通,4G,3G 312 0
107546 2015年4G手机总销量达2.91亿,第二名意外 - 4G,OPPO,Vivo 282 0
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