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123813 Google sued balloon project: infringes the technology of 10 years ago,(谷歌气球项目遭起诉:侵犯他人10年前的技术,) 232 0
123656 Microsoft money buy LinkedIn truth behind: with visions of rolling Google Apple(微软巨资收购LinkedIn幕后真相:用人工智能碾压谷歌苹果,) 285 0
123315 Letv hired Google’s Chief Legal Officer: responsible for patent protection,(乐视挖来谷歌首席法律顾问:负责专利保护,) 271 0
123147 In this way, the smarter hackers to access the user’s Google account login verification code,(就这样,黑客聪明地获得了用户谷歌账号登录验证码,) 411 0
123146 From a technical point of discussion: did Google search favor Hillary Clinton? ,(从技术角度讨论:谷歌搜索有没有偏袒希拉里?,) 308 0
123131 高考自主招生:谷歌AlphaGo、网约车等成面试题 - 高考,AlphaGo 273 0
122961 India banned the Google car Street, worry about endangering national security,(印度禁止谷歌小车拍街景,担心危害国家安全,) 295 0
122959 Google search favor Hillary Clinton? Official denials,(谷歌搜索偏爱希拉里?官方否认,) 290 0
122817 Global brand value ranking: the top three Google Apple Microsoft, Chinese companies are not top ten,(全球品牌价值排行:谷歌苹果微软列前三,中国企业未进前十,) 270 0
122687 Keep up with Apple and Google increases developer revenue share,(紧跟苹果,谷歌上调开发者收入比例,) 304 0
122681 Google, Apple, Microsoft, and the strengths and weaknesses of the big three era,(谷歌、苹果、微软,三大巨头新时代的优势与劣势,) 292 0
122672 Allegedly inflated energy saving: Nest faces a $ 350 million Google claims(涉嫌夸大节约能耗:谷歌Nest面临3.5亿美元索赔,) 289 0
122324 AlphaGo Ke Jie battle Google, human victory(柯洁决战谷歌AlphaGo,人类已胜利,) 328 0
122161 Google AlphaGo has changed, Ke Jie can win this year? ,(谷歌AlphaGo已今非昔比,柯洁年内能否获胜?,) 277 0
122013 Ke Jie vs Google AlphaGo this year: they said they won, but failed miserably again and again,(柯洁年内大战谷歌AlphaGo:曾扬言必赢,但最近惨败连连,) 308 0
122011 IPod decided to leave Google’s parent company, the father of Alphabet, denied that Nest failure,(iPod之父毅然离开谷歌母公司Alphabet,否认Nest失败,) 277 0
121851 Google spent $ 3.2 billion on Nest under the changes: father of the iPod leaving,(谷歌花32亿美元买下的Nest出变动:iPod之父离职,) 285 0
121829 2016 the America’s Cup is about to kick off, for which Google Doodle cheer(2016美洲杯即将开球,谷歌涂鸦为其助威,) 267 0
121708 The food start-ups, proudly refused to Google’s $ 300 million takeover offer,(这家食品初创企业,傲然拒绝谷歌3亿美元收购要约,) 351 0
121694 Lenovo’s stock plunge was Google, Yang yuanqing: “lonely“(联想股票遭谷歌大幅减持,杨元庆:要“耐住寂寞”,) 301 0
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