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121979 为什么很多人从QQ转向使用微信? - 微信,QQ 271 0
121861 Micro-circle of friends as children “canvassing“:, Super 80% users, and(微信朋友圈成儿童“拉票圈”:,超8成网友反感,) 290 0
121508 Who is the leader in mobile Internet? Outbreak of BAT bully list, app QQ(谁是中国移动互联网领导者?BAT霸榜、微信QQ爆发) 285 0
121502 The world’s Internet users has reached 3 billion people: micro-messaging applications, such as strong growth,(全球网民已达30亿人:微信等消息应用强势增长,) 268 0
121278 Micro-particles and loan fraud strategy: buy bait, payments will eat dirt,(微信微粒贷防诈骗攻略:买号即上当,付款必吃土,) 272 0
121277 Micro letter envelopes, the pitfalls of gambling,(微信红包,赌博的陷阱,) 258 0
121273 Inventory app chat little secret: you don’t know (above),(盘点微信聊天那些小秘密:有的你肯定不知道(多图),) 235 0
121272 Hundreds of students signed a letter to Ma: micro-expression package should add “Chinese tea“(百名大学生联名致信马化腾:微信表情包应加入“中国茶”,) 253 0
121243 培养优秀下一代,从抵制微信朋友圈拉票做起 - 朋友圈,微信,投票 271 0
121038 Micro-mega-gambling case smashed: the red packets are lured into the group, betting more than 300,000 a day,(微信特大赌博案破获:发红包诱骗入群,每天押注30余万,) 287 0
120998 钉钉广告挑衅微信,马云:太low像jd,向马化腾致歉 - 钉钉,微信,马云 293 0
120990 从“悲剧人物”到微信掌门人:腾讯张小龙熬过的16年 - 微信,腾讯,张小龙 265 0
120789 Why micro-smiling expressions are not friendly to the letter? ,(为何微信的微笑表情一点也不友好?,) 294 0
120680 When you’re close friends circle, micro-what was done to you? ,(当你关闭朋友圈后,微信对你做了什么?,) 290 0
120672 The latest micro-open class: top ten issues such as how to obtain the original label,(最新微信公开课:如何获得原创标签等十大问题,) 337 0
120492 The app “express envelopes“ big data “520“ lumpy “1314“,(微信“表白红包”大数据:“520”扎堆“1314”,) 294 0
120491 The app “abused dog“: a single red envelope limits raised to 520,(微信狂“虐狗”:单个红包限额上调为520元,) 238 0
120304 The sword app PayPal? Push mobile scan codes of the ICBC withdrawal function is,(剑指微信支付宝?工商银行推手机银行扫码取现功能,) 259 0
120252 找你要微信付款码截图的,99%是骗子 - 微信支付,微信,付款码 352 0
120248 【更新】有意思!微信朋友圈这个“选择题”火了 - 朋友圈,微信 230 0
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