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114844 Men’s micro-members help raise money by falsely claimed, other groups back and pull black,(男子微信众筹救命钱遭冒领,对方退群并拉黑,) 261 0
114837 21 year old girl looking for micro-friends “cosmetic surgery“: his right eye in an hour,(21岁女孩找微信好友“整容”:一小时后右眼失明,) 237 0
114757 These rumors spread alarming, do not understand against being cheated, and(这些微信谣言传播量惊人,不了解小心被骗惨,) 254 0
114593 Micro-electronic invoicing solutions, you can on the phone scratch card,(微信发电子发票解决方案,以后可在手机上刮奖,) 261 0
114437 Micro letter official reminded: do not look at this carefully tomorrow you were cheated worse 7 rumors,(微信官方提醒:不看这个,小心明天你被7个谣言骗惨,) 314 0
114416 After the death of a loved one, QQ, micro-signals can be inherited? ,(亲人去世后,QQ、微信号能否被继承?,) 255 0
114275 PayPal app account is not real name, balance of payment will be limited,(支付宝微信账户不实名,余额支付将受限,) 252 0
114110 The Central Bank’s new rules, PayPal app users need to do these things,(央行新规,支付宝微信用户需要做这件事,) 237 0
114108 Spam app “scamper“, Tencent has finally sit,(垃圾信息微信“炸群”,腾讯终于坐不住了,) 327 0
114087 In response to the Central Bank’s new rules: micro-payments will help user to perfecting information,(回应央行新规:微信支付称将帮用户完善信息,) 241 0
113940 Girl drops, in their letter, the mother found nude(花季少女成绩下滑严重,妈妈在其微信中发现裸照,) 242 0
113796 Zuckerberg’s “app“: the Messenger could play shooting machine, cab...,(扎克伯格的“微信”:Messenger中竟能玩投篮机、叫出租...,) 294 0
113570 Micro-bulk bonus we’ve earned thousands? You can grow a snack bar,(微信群发红包日赚千元?你可长点心吧,) 263 0
113546 Chat QQ micro-letter scams will suspend the dialogue? Tencent’s response: no thing(QQ微信聊天诈骗将暂停对话?腾讯回应:没有的事,) 275 0
113540 Boys applying for micro-circle of friends was the interviewer looked,(小伙应聘遭面试官翻看微信朋友圈,) 242 0
113535 2016 of micro-data report: men and women rate exposure,(2016微信数据化报告发布:男女用户比例曝光,) 239 0
113376 The app has no rival, but QQ,(微信已经没有竞争对手,除了QQ,) 263 0
113360 MA:, micro cash withdrawal charges, losses have been controlled,(马化腾:,微信提现收费后,亏损情况已受控,) 265 0
113359 Man app, cloud was caught spreading pornographic videos for profit: yellow-related files 15000G,(男子微信、云盘传播淫秽视频牟利被抓:涉黄文件15000G,) 246 0
113344 Chaoyang prosecution: PayPal app wallet stolen and planted in the hands of acquaintances,(朝阳检方:支付宝微信钱包被盗,多栽在熟人手上,) 234 0
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