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134618 媒体盘点贪官的“情人劫”-权色交易让爱情变味-贪官 235 0
134417 Corrupt Chinese “Ya bribe“ amounts to asserting?(中国贪官“雅贿”金额如何认定?) 187 0
134227 三折?五折?贪官买的房到底有多便宜? 151 0
134164 Corrupt Chinese money “appreciation in mind“: it was moved 800 million of public funds investment(中国贪官的赃款“升值记”:有人挪8亿公款投资理财) 192 0
133962 Absconded corrupt officials in Yunnan province for 13 years in the rural farming, got up early this morning to do farm work(云南贪官潜逃13年在农村种地,凌晨起床干农活) 205 0
133632 Secrets of Chinese anti-corruption: 6 arrested behind the discipline inspection and supervision cadres are the 9 big corrupt official(揭秘中国反腐:6名被逮捕的纪检干部背后是这9个大贪官) 160 0
133600 China discipline inspection and supervision cadres to corrupt officials as informants – 1 billion project, he was once Peking University graduates(中国纪检干部给贪官当线人,揽10亿工程,他曾经是北京大学高材生) 152 0
133544 Corrupt Chinese officials Li Chuankui confession: I embezzled money for gambling debts(中国贪官李传魁忏悔:我贪污挪用的钱都用于赌博还债了) 150 0
133247 9 Chinese corrupt real estate developers when cash machines(9位中国贪官将房地产商当提款机) 165 0
133221 Corrupt officials in Qionghai city, Hainan Province, proposed to his 11-year sentence, results in prison is really 11(海南省琼海市贪官建议对自己判刑11年,结果刑期真的是11年) 147 0
133007 Hunan Lok corrupt confession: taking bribes of gold and silver is evidence of a crime(湖南落马贪官忏悔:受贿的金银就是犯罪证据) 150 0
132976 Ranging from accepting bribes of more than 4 million to more than 17 million, Guangxi 3 corrupt officials sentenced(受贿400余万到1700多万不等,广西3名贪官一审获刑) 181 0
132833 Corrupt officials in China “six kimiko“ captured, there is no known “ring of friends“(中国这贪官“六公子”被抓捕,都有不为人知的“朋友圈”) 193 0
132832 Corrupt Chinese officials like to collect the money?(中国贪官喜欢在哪收钱?) 150 0
132719 贪官成功学:当官要到省部级 赚钱要过10个亿-官员贪腐-河北 112 0
132710 媒体:当省部级、赚十个亿的贪官成功学很失败 170 0
132323 盘点:贪官被检察官“带走”的7种方式 119 0
131935 盘点:痛恨贪官的大贪官们 143 0
131934 济南落马书记王敏:有谁对党不敬 我会同他拼命-贪官-落马 125 0
131454 媒体:原来每个贪官都是被埋没的影帝 239 0
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