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354 又一个小三被按在街上扒衣服 Funny Gags(天天开心)又一个小三被按在街上扒衣服,听口音是河南的2018/8/26 1:04:1214260
353 86版《西游记》被删减掉且从未播出过的部分,太可惜了! Mystery(未解之谜)86版《西游记》被删减掉且从未播出过的部分,太可惜了!2018/2/2 10:04:2713860
352 Dance with death Funny Gags(天天开心)Dance with death(与死神共舞)2018/1/23 9:21:328330
351 The real death came. Funny Gags(天天开心)The real death came.(现实版死神来了)2018/1/18 0:40:248740
350 穿针引线,我有绝招 Funny Gags(天天开心)穿针难不难?我有巧招!2018/1/13 1:42:268810
349 我站在你面前,有生之年,要看到日本谢罪的那一天。。。 In daily life(世间百态)我站在你面前,有生之年,要看到日本谢罪的那一天。。。2017/12/27 20:12:048720
348 让人笑岔气的国产抗日神剧! Funny Gags(天天开心)让人笑岔气的国产抗日神剧!---你是来搞笑滴吗?2017/12/20 6:55:318900
347 中国退休警察总结的防身窍门,你用得上 In daily life(世间百态)中国退休警察总结的防身窍门,你用得上2017/12/14 22:42:417840
346 Chinese people who are constantly striving for self-improvement In daily life(世间百态)Chinese people who are constantly striving for self-improvement(自强不息的中国人)2017/12/7 4:57:588060
345 最新洗脑神曲---单身狗之歌 Funny Gags(天天开心)最新洗脑神曲---单身狗之歌2017/12/5 2:30:529560
344 世界上最大的骗局是什么? In daily life(世间百态)世界上最大的骗局是什么?2017/11/30 3:07:3210690
343 有偿补课该停止了! In daily life(世间百态)二中跳楼女生刘雅婷写给全体教师的一封信。。。。。。2017/11/29 11:14:247340
342 Write calligraphy with his feet Music and art(音乐艺术)Write calligraphy with his feet(用脚行书)2017/11/28 22:46:4011660
341 揭露几种常见的诈骗手法 In daily life(世间百态)揭露几种常见的诈骗手法2017/11/28 18:52:577630
340 New type harvester in rural China In daily life(世间百态)New type harvester in rural China(中国农村新型收割机)2017/11/28 5:57:468380
339 上海美女亲身示范教你吃大闸蟹 In daily life(世间百态)上海美女亲身示范教你吃大闸蟹2017/11/28 5:17:578510
338 修路的窍门 Funny Gags(天天开心)为什么有些马路修好又挖开,挖开又修好?2017/11/21 2:19:168870
337 The happiest job in China Funny Gags(天天开心)The happiest job in China(中国最幸福的职业)2017/11/6 3:58:409220
336 搭讪美女被瞧不起,怒提1000万现金将美女強上 Learning tutorial(学习教程)搭讪美女被瞧不起,怒提1000万现金将美女強上2017/10/16 4:09:3013420
335 一至十八届中国共产党中央领导人 Learning tutorial(学习教程)一至十八届中国共产党中央领导人2017/10/15 21:10:3414320
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