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IDTitleTypeNameVideo Content abstractPublished timeRead CountComment count
332 The erosive nightclub In daily life(世间百态)The erosive nightclub(糜烂的夜生活)2017/10/12 18:54:187160
331 This is a special festival in China Tourism(旅游)This is a special festival in China(这是中国一个有特色的节日)2017/10/10 21:27:578870
330 August, osmanthus fragrance In daily life(世间百态)August, osmanthus fragrance(八月桂花香)2017/10/10 21:25:166820
329 I have to learn to draw2 Learning tutorial(学习教程)I have to learn to draw(我要学画画)2017/10/2 21:14:488720
328 为什么说,有国才有家!!! In daily life(世间百态)为什么说,有国才有家!!!2017/10/2 20:41:267170
327 I caught a lot of fish The world of animals(动物世界)I caught a lot of fish(钓了好大一条鱼)2017/9/30 2:33:339590
326 The woman who sells vegetables has clashed with the man in uniform and is kicked in the face Competitive fighting(竞技格斗)The woman who sells vegetables has clashed with the man in uniform and is kicked in the face(卖菜大妈与制服男子冲突,脸部被狠踹)2017/9/13 3:47:189630
325 Chinese kung fu Competitive fighting(竞技格斗)Chinese kung fu(中国功夫)2017/9/7 19:53:429920
324 Nanjing security war real video Learning tutorial(学习教程)Nanjing security war real video(南京保卫战真实视频)2017/9/6 12:43:039710
323 中国人都是爷爷 Funny Gags(天天开心)中国人都是爷爷2017/9/3 5:41:018840
322 在雷锋离开的日子里…… In daily life(世间百态)在雷锋离开的日子里……2017/9/2 23:23:348020
321 偷看百位女子洗澡,说是搞研究 Funny Gags(天天开心)偷看百位女子洗澡,说是搞研究!2017/8/28 19:17:328290
320 奇迹,小女孩没被汽车压死!!! Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)奇迹,汽车从小女孩身上碾过,小女孩安然无恙!2017/8/28 0:18:2411520
319 The typhoon has come Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)The typhoon has come(台风“天鸽”来了)2017/8/23 19:32:0010860
318 I have to learn to draw Funny Gags(天天开心)I have to learn to draw(我要学画画)2017/8/23 1:05:289950
317 遇到碰瓷咋办? Funny Gags(天天开心)遇到碰瓷咋办?教你一招。。。。。。2017/8/22 12:18:558060
316 这样的警察应该开除!!! In daily life(世间百态)这样的警察应该开除!!!2017/8/7 3:43:518140
315 Who is she? She is our Chinese hero!!! In daily life(世间百态)Who is she? She is our Chinese hero!!!(她是谁?她是我们中国人的英雄!!!)2017/7/27 17:21:207360
314 Five big dogs PK a 30 catty mouse! The world of animals(动物世界)Five big dogs PK a 30 catty mouse!(5条大狗pk一只三十斤的大老鼠)2017/7/24 3:52:069320
313 中国国企改革:国企做得不好,你可以把它纳为己有,那对于那些做得好的国企经理人呢?难道他是傻瓜不成? Learning tutorial(学习教程)中国国企改革:国企做得不好,你可以把它纳为己有,那对于那些做得好的国企经理人呢?难道他是傻瓜不成?2017/7/18 19:04:259580
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