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72 Some animals, has become a tool of sympathy for beggars The world of animals(动物世界)Some animals, has become a tool of sympathy for beggars.(有些动物,已经沦为了乞丐乞讨博取同情的工具。)2014/11/4 23:56:0811810
71 老板出差,我也想跟着去 Funny Gags(天天开心)老板出差,我也想跟着去,结果老板写了张纸条。2014/11/4 23:48:539610
70 没手,没脚,没烦恼 In daily life(世间百态)没手,没脚,没烦恼-一个绝对让你感到汗颜无地的人2014/11/4 23:44:3541040
69 Women's underwear can be played like this, Are you surprised? Funny Gags(天天开心)Women's underwear can be played like this, Are you surprised?(女性朋友的内裤还能这么玩,你想不到吧)2014/11/4 23:29:459190
68 This is not a magic - the real video moving objects from a distance Mystery(未解之谜)This is not a magic - the real video moving objects from a distance(这不是魔术-真实的隔空移物视频)2014/11/3 8:56:0412810
67 Video scene shooting in ATM withdrawals mugged Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)Video scene shooting in ATM withdrawals mugged(实拍在ATM机取款遭遇抢劫的视频)2014/11/3 8:47:0211190
66 Beauty to take singing video - chicken bibi Funny Gags(天天开心)Beauty to take singing video - chicken bibi(美女自拍唱歌视频-小鸡比比)2014/11/3 8:34:319180
65 The Chinese people's liberation army (PLA) vehicle driving training video Learning tutorial(学习教程)The Chinese people's liberation army (PLA) vehicle driving training video(中国人民解放军汽车驾驶训练视频)2014/11/3 8:32:5113010
64 让人受不了的餐馆服务员 Funny Gags(天天开心)让人受不了的餐馆服务员2014/11/3 8:30:508380
63 Beauty to do yoga at home In daily life(世间百态)Beauty to do yoga at home(美女在家里做瑜伽)2014/11/3 8:30:029720
62 What in the world has a soul? Science and technology(科学技术)What in the world has a soul?(世界上到底有灵魂吗?)2014/11/3 8:28:5712140
61 年轻人能为世界做什么? Learning tutorial(学习教程)年轻人能为世界做什么?-法学院刘媛媛演讲比赛视频2014/11/3 8:26:5612480
60 郭美美版的小苹果 Funny Gags(天天开心)郭美美版的小苹果-太有才勒2014/11/3 8:24:099040
59 女生还敢去酒吧买醉么?-看看被人“捡尸”的视频 In daily life(世间百态)女生还敢去酒吧买醉么?-看看被人“捡尸”的视频2014/11/3 8:23:239630
58 卡通段子大风版 Funny Gags(天天开心)卡通段子大风版2014/11/3 8:21:399070
57 中国的食品安全让人触目惊心 In daily life(世间百态)中国的食品安全让人触目惊心(本视频较大,建议在wifi下观看,土豪随意)2014/11/3 8:20:249000
56 Bruce lee real video - shuangjieao play table tennis Competitive fighting(竞技格斗)Bruce lee real video - shuangjieao play table tennis(李小龙真实视频-双截棍打乒乓球)2014/11/3 8:17:1817590
55 911 at the time of the video, very detailed, thrilling Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)911 at the time of the video, very detailed, thrilling(911发生时的录像,很详细,惊心动魄)2014/11/3 7:33:2511140
54 这个相声曾经一度被禁播,赶紧看,否则又没了。。。。。 Funny Gags(天天开心)这个相声曾经一度被禁播,赶紧看,否则又没了。。。。。2014/11/3 7:22:599280
53 看了这个视频,你还会拿着手机舍不得放下么? In daily life(世间百态)看了这个视频,你还会拿着手机舍不得放下么?(本视频建议在wifi下观看,土豪随意)2014/11/3 7:21:268570
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