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314 Five big dogs PK a 30 catty mouse! The world of animals(动物世界)Five big dogs PK a 30 catty mouse!(5条大狗pk一只三十斤的大老鼠)2017/7/24 3:52:069330
313 中国国企改革:国企做得不好,你可以把它纳为己有,那对于那些做得好的国企经理人呢?难道他是傻瓜不成? Learning tutorial(学习教程)中国国企改革:国企做得不好,你可以把它纳为己有,那对于那些做得好的国企经理人呢?难道他是傻瓜不成?2017/7/18 19:04:259590
312 How much is this breast? ...... No, how much is the car? Funny Gags(天天开心)How much is this breast? ...... No, how much is the car?(这奶多少钱?……不,这车多少钱?)2017/7/15 21:12:548080
311 A pig that can jump hurdles The world of animals(动物世界)A pig that can jump hurdles(一只会跨栏的猪)2017/7/15 20:20:189440
310 Give you a nice song Music and art(音乐艺术)Give you a nice song(送你一首好听的歌)2017/7/15 20:12:009660
309 Talking bird, have you seen it? The world of animals(动物世界)Talking bird, have you seen it?(会说话的鸟,见过吗?)2017/7/15 19:57:189060
308 Drive an administrative law enforcement car, steal watermelon Funny Gags(天天开心)Drive an administrative law enforcement car, steal watermelon(开着行政执法的车,偷西瓜,哈哈哈)2017/7/12 21:11:208150
307 China and India military confrontation, Chinese military arrangement In daily life(世间百态)China and India military confrontation, Chinese military arrangement(中印对峙,中国军力展示)2017/7/12 4:07:186790
306 The farmer's allowance was canceled by the village chief In daily life(世间百态)The farmer's allowance was canceled by the village chief(这户农民的低保被村干部取消了,原因让人震惊!)2017/7/12 0:24:017410
305 德牧看到二哈占了主人的椅子,为主人打抱不平 Funny Gags(天天开心)德牧看到二哈占了主人的椅子,为主人打抱不平2017/7/11 22:11:158510
304 Is China's reform success or failure? In daily life(世间百态)Is China's reform success or failure?(中国的改革成功了还是失败了?)2017/6/30 22:29:176890
303 Sichuan mountain landslide video Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)Sichuan mountain landslide video(四川山体滑坡视频)2017/6/24 22:16:509310
302 中国教育行业老师职业腐败问题 In daily life(世间百态)中国教育行业老师职业腐败问题2017/6/18 21:01:057230
301 Catch a python on the empty hand The world of animals(动物世界)Catch a python on the empty hand(空手擒巨蟒,厉害吧!)2017/6/5 19:00:368900
300 The big white goose lays the egg, it's hard The world of animals(动物世界)The big white goose lays the egg, it's hard(大白鹅下蛋,好辛苦)2017/6/5 18:54:579440
299 KTV sells wine women who lose their dignity in order to make money In daily life(世间百态)KTV sells wine women who lose their dignity in order to make money(KTV的卖酒女,为了赚钱她们舍弃了尊严)2017/5/31 8:20:387830
298 Happy Dragon Boat Festival Funny Gags(天天开心)Happy Dragon Boat Festival(祝大家端午节快乐,福利发放中……)2017/5/30 4:51:278200
297 June 1 children's day is coming In daily life(世间百态)June 1 children's day is coming(六一儿童节快到了)2017/5/29 18:29:326780
296 The perfect combination of softness and strength In daily life(世间百态)The perfect combination of softness and strength(柔美与坚强的完美结合)2017/5/19 12:27:287730
295 China's famous liquor,The king cobra Leach liquor In daily life(世间百态)China's famous liquor,The king cobra Leach liquor(中国名酒,眼镜王蛇浸酒)2017/4/25 3:16:227800
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