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274 Starling war fighting cocks The world of animals(动物世界)Starling war fighting cocks(八哥大战斗鸡)2016/8/18 2:03:0011180
273 Because of this kind of person, just let the United States become a rogue Funny Gags(天天开心)Because of this kind of person, just let the United States become a rogue(因为有这种人,才让美国变成了流氓)2016/7/17 11:36:118770
272 The teacher named, laughing urine Funny Gags(天天开心)The teacher named, laughing urine(老师点名,笑尿了)2016/7/17 11:34:017410
271 Food, full of food Funny Gags(天天开心)Food, full of food(食物,满脑子都是食物)2016/7/17 11:28:128080
270 The 4S shop brawl Funny Gags(天天开心)The 4S shop brawl(4s店的斗殴)2016/7/17 11:24:387370
269 Jeet kune do teaching 1 Competitive fighting(竞技格斗)Jeet kune do teaching 1(截拳道教学1)2016/7/17 11:23:5511590
268 Magical vinegar In daily life(世间百态)Magical vinegar(醋的妙用)2016/7/17 11:21:258020
267 Real Chinese airdrop of nuclear weapons, the whole process! Science and technology(科学技术)Real Chinese airdrop of nuclear weapons, the whole process!(实拍中国空投核武器,全过程)2016/7/17 11:19:0610800
266 XiAn city inspectors one dead eight injured In daily life(世间百态)XiAn city inspectors one dead eight injured(西安城管一死八伤)2016/7/17 11:09:018310
265 Tragic moment, the recorder is the last cry of the bride... Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)Tragic moment, the recorder is the last cry of the bride... (惨烈瞬间,记录仪传出准新娘最后的喊叫…)2016/7/17 11:03:3610530
264 编程入门,C语言则是最好的选择,没有之一 Learning tutorial(学习教程)编程入门,C语言则是最好的选择,没有之一2016/7/17 11:02:0810810
263 Old doctor kneel repentance, say terrible secret truth, shocked the nation! In daily life(世间百态)Old doctor kneel repentance, say terrible secret truth, shocked the nation!(老医生下跪忏悔,说出惊天秘密,真相震惊全国!)2016/7/17 11:00:458020
262 The married life of 2 cats Funny Gags(天天开心)The married life of 2 cats(2只猫咪的婚后生活)2016/7/17 10:56:268690
261 Ningxiang Hunan flood, the street can catch fish Funny Gags(天天开心)Ningxiang Hunan flood, the street can catch fish(湖南宁乡大洪水,大街上可抓鱼)2016/7/5 2:23:417710
260 China people most homely stir fried crawfish In daily life(世间百态)China people most homely stir fried crawfish(爆炒小龙虾)2016/5/16 6:11:478800
259 Five hundred pounds of tuna landed on the whole process Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)Five hundred pounds of tuna landed on the whole process(五百斤金枪鱼上岸全过程)2016/5/16 5:40:1411300
258 Chinese police Heroes1 Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)Chinese police Heroes(中国警察威风八面,所向无敌)2016/5/5 21:33:0116000
257 和主人顶嘴的哈士奇-是鸡蛋先打我的 Funny Gags(天天开心)和主人顶嘴的哈士奇-是鸡蛋先打我的2016/4/13 20:56:059610
256 民为邦本,本固邦宁 Learning tutorial(学习教程)海淀高级教师进修学院教师讲课实录12016/4/11 10:36:1611610
255 Chinese on the elevator, always rush to the fore3 In daily life(世间百态)Chinese on the elevator, always rush to the fore(中国人上电梯,永远争先恐后)2016/3/2 13:14:259530
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