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134 出租房里的猫腻,你绝对想不到 In daily life(世间百态)出租房里的猫腻,你绝对想不到-单身女士要小心了2015/10/15 18:40:487500
133 孙悟空炒股,金箍棒都搭进去了 Funny Gags(天天开心)孙悟空炒股,金箍棒都搭进去了2015/10/15 18:38:367280
132 看到它的威力,你再也不会想打仗了 Science and technology(科学技术)看到它的威力,你再也不会想打仗了-改变世界的武器,重机枪2015/10/13 9:47:2610800
131 美国人拍的记录片,详述中日交战史 Science and technology(科学技术)这部记录片是美国人拍的,详细记录了中日交战的历史事件,而且承认钓鱼岛是中国的领土2015/10/13 9:45:2411210
130 原来癌症也会传染的 In daily life(世间百态)原来癌症也会传染的2015/10/13 9:41:167540
129 女神表演抖胸舞,评委都不淡定了 Funny Gags(天天开心)女神表演抖胸舞,评委都不淡定了2015/10/13 9:39:397570
128 To attain the estrous male dog abuse the hen, hen not from Funny Gags(天天开心)To attain the estrous male dog abuse the hen, hen not from(发情公狗凌辱母鸡,母鸡誓死不从)2015/10/13 9:37:577150
127 拍城管又被打了 In daily life(世间百态)拿着手机拍城管,又被打了。这年头,不学点功夫不行啊2015/10/13 9:34:017420
126 风景区旅游收费大揭秘 Funny Gags(天天开心)风景区旅游收费大揭秘2015/10/13 9:31:247670
125 股灾追悼会 Funny Gags(天天开心)股灾追悼会,被我翻出来了2015/10/12 12:44:456870
124 当城管遇到黑社会,这回不动手了,开始讲道理了 In daily life(世间百态)当城管遇到黑社会,这回不动手了,开始讲道理了2015/10/12 12:42:597870
123 Baby panda engage in a gang fight Funny Gags(天天开心)Baby panda engage in a gang fight(大熊猫宝宝打群架了)2015/10/12 12:39:148960
122 废纸箱做包子馅,太黑了,良心何在 In daily life(世间百态)废纸箱做包子馅,太黑了,良心何在2015/10/12 12:35:587320
121 The earth in 5000 panoramic animation landscape change Learning tutorial(学习教程)The earth in 5000 panoramic animation landscape change(地球5000年版图变迁全景动画)2015/10/12 12:34:1910020
120 中国十大街边小吃深度揭秘 In daily life(世间百态)中国十大街边小吃深度揭秘,看后让人触目惊心2015/10/12 12:32:047590
119 Bully village officer overstepping the law, wantonly to smash the villagers home items In daily life(世间百态)Bully village officer overstepping the law, wantonly to smash the villagers home items(恶霸村主任目无法律,肆意打砸村民家中物品)2015/10/12 12:18:417170
118 The parrot more watching porn, have learned to call A bed, too realistic Funny Gags(天天开心)The parrot more watching porn, have learned to call A bed, too realistic(鹦鹉看多了A片,都学会了叫床,太逼真了)2015/10/12 12:05:347240
117 Terrible traffic accident scene(minor) may not be entered Breathtaking terrorist(惊险恐怖)Terrible traffic accident scene(minor) may not be entered(惨烈的交通事故现场(未成年勿入))2015/10/12 12:01:548670
116 小编给跪了,美女是这么出来的 Learning tutorial(学习教程)小编给跪了,美女是这么出来的2015/10/12 11:57:4110520
115 Base the monkey Dally with tiger, are you sure you have seen Funny Gags(天天开心)Base the monkey Dally with tiger, are you sure you have seen(贱猴子调戏老虎,你肯定没见过)2015/10/7 21:48:527120
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