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116268 Women naked in the resignation letter to sell seeds, 4 months sales of 50 million Yuan,(女公务员裸辞在微信卖瓜子,4个月销售收入5千万元,) 234 0
116069 The app “shake“ beauty: men master’s side did not see being lied to 240,000,(微信“摇”出美女:男硕士一面未见被骗24万,) 230 0
116068 Tencent will support health care services: medical insurance available micro-payment,(腾讯将支持医保服务:看病医保可用微信支付,) 246 0
116053 Payment habits have changed? Said 90% Internet users paid for with PayPal or the app,(支付习惯已改变?调查称9成网民用支付宝或微信支付,) 223 0
116048 Micro-circle of friends has changed, the Memorial is a Memorial? ,(已然变了味儿的微信朋友圈,该纪念还是祭奠?,) 251 0
116047 Micro letter friends to withdraw a message and touch your face, what is this “black science“? ,(微信好友撤回一条消息并摸了你的小脸,这是啥“黑科技”?,) 312 0
116043 Man app for someone to purchase BMW Motorcycle, was lying to 118,000 yuan,(男子微信找人代购宝马摩托车,被骗11.8万元,) 255 0
115792 Leaders should add you app, plus no? ,(领导要加你微信,到底加不加?,) 221 0
115718 微信白话:总理力推的“营改增”(第二季) 253 0
115658 Dr North: IQ micro-circle of friends back,(北大博士:退微信朋友圈保智商,) 253 0
115405 Why Starbucks does not support micro-credit, PayPal payments? ,(为啥星巴克不支持微信、支付宝支付?,) 246 0
115404 View the app has withdrawn information, just a trick,(查看微信已撤回信息,只需一招,) 313 0
115246 Train new tricks: bad money help, plus micro-money(火车站新骗术:差钱买票求帮助,加微信还钱,) 265 0
115245 These points in time, careful app rumors(这些时间点,千万小心微信谣言,) 255 0
115084 If there is no app, you can’t go a day? ’ ,(如果没有微信,你的日子就过不下去了么?,) 241 0
114949 Users micro letter envelopes threatened resumption of female college students: take the body to repay their debts,(女大学生收网友微信红包遭威胁:拿身体抵债,) 273 0
114943 Secret dating app “nearby people“: the victims were male,(揭秘微信约会“附近的人”:受害人全是男的,) 233 0
114929 Clear chat: when we die, our micro-credit, QQ do? ,(清明闲扯:当我们死后,我们的微信、QQ怎么办?,) 251 0
114910 Media reveals micro-letter dated “nearby people“: victims are male(媒体揭秘微信约会“附近的人”:受害人皆为男性) 259 0
114846 Reporters experiencing scalp: hand brushing an hour crash app! ,(记者体验刷单:一小时速成微信刷手!,) 258 0
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