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5204 Samsung Group Empire: Galaxy was originally a clothing brand,(三星的集团帝国:Galaxy原是服装品牌,) 418 0
5077 TSMC: Intel Samsung army engaged to 3,000 people in research and development,(台积电:以3000人研发大军迎战英特尔三星,) 346 0
5063 Ma go Korea secret meeting Samsung, smart spectacles Act an advance party of Ali,(马云赴韩密会三星,为阿里智能眼镜打前站,) 488 0
5051 For guaranteed profits, Samsung manufacturing facilities from China to Viet Nam,(为保证利润,三星生产工厂从中国迁至越南,) 351 0
5043 Big, and Samsung to include Ronaldo in command,(大手笔不断,三星将C罗纳入麾下,) 351 0
4754 Samsung torture Chambers: mobile phones will be More than 7000 levels (三星“酷刑室”:手机要过7000多道关,) 422 0
4750 Nokia strong: Samsung S4 is on fire, I give you for free Lumia,(诺基亚猛:三星S4着火,我免费给你Lumia,) 358 0
4474 Samsung Galaxy,S4 fire doors: first by deleting the video back to the machine,(三星处理Galaxy,S4着火门:先删视频再换机,) 20528 0
4468 Nokia, Samsung, 2014 years, smart shoes,(诺基亚:三星,你们2014年整智能鞋子吧,) 366 0
4467 Nokia Samsung blast foul language: go,fuck,yourself,(三星对诺基亚爆粗口:go,fuck,yourself,) 574 0
4450 Apple: Samsung, gave me this $ 22 million legal fees,(苹果:三星,把这2200万美元律师费给我报了,) 394 0
4366 EU Antitrust sticks to Samsung and Philips,(欧盟反垄断大棒挥向三星和飞利浦,) 397 0
4055 The Wall Street Journal: Samsung mobile security projects, nothing(华尔街日报:三星在移动安全项目上一无是处,) 421 0
4049 Samsung: we wish to metal mesh panels pull down the Apple throne,(三星:我们要用金属网面板把苹果拉下王位,) 541 0
4048 Samsung left the Real Madrid goalkeeper,(三星挖走皇马门神,) 528 0
4047 Samsung China scandal: arrears staff overtime, discrimination,(三星中国供应商丑闻:拖欠加班费、歧视员工,) 447 0
3523 Samsung: Firefox,OS should be aligned with Tizen hugs,(三星:Firefox,OS应与Tizen抱团结盟,) 423 0
3070 余承东解释华为死磕小米:三星苹果才是对手 409 0
3061 Veterans die, BlackBerry South Africa handset market share of Samsung,(老兵不死,黑莓南非手机市场占有率超三星,) 362 0
3040 South Korean police confirmed stolen Samsung LG Panel technology,(韩警方确认三星盗取LG面板技术,) 331 0
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