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118441 Samsung business transformation: hard and soft,(三星业务将转型:又软又硬,) 250 0
118011 United States for ZTE, Samsung, Sony and other companies launched patent infringement investigation of electronic equipment,(美国对中兴、三星、索尼等多国企业电子设备发起专利侵权调查,) 271 0
118000 Samsung wants to force hand travel software is no longer a “soft“,(三星欲发力手游,软件不再“软”,) 270 0
117999 Samsung logic chips in China have a fatal problem,(三星逻辑芯片入华有一个致命问题,) 310 0
117583 Shake hands, Samsung and NVIDIA reached a settlement on patent litigation cases,(握手言和,英伟达与三星就专利诉讼案达成和解,) 212 0
117563 Friends hot comments on nine major mobile phone manufacturers: Apple iPhone, Samsung suffered ridicule,(网友辣评九大手机厂商:苹果iPhone、三星惨遭吐槽,) 230 0
117386 Samsung’s reconciliation with the Nvidia GPU patent dispute: have signed licensing agreements,(三星与Nvidia和解GPU专利纠纷:已签署授权协议,) 242 0
117359 2016,Q1 global LCD TV shipment ranking: leader Samsung LG, Hisense Super TCL third,(2016,Q1全球液晶电视出货排行:三星LG领跑,海信超TCL居第三,) 278 0
117092 Samsung changed the Apple iPhone OLED orders must not be lost,(三星换帅,苹果iPhone的OLED订单不容有失,) 256 0
116938 Samsung released Tizen,3.0, singing “four romances“(三星发布Tizen,3.0,欲唱“四国演义”,) 250 0
116611 While you are sick, and kill you! Now Samsung Apple godsend,(趁你病,要你命!现在是三星反击苹果天赐良机,) 287 0
116593 Samsung lure developers: App you can reach 7.7 billion handsets(三星狂诱开发者:你们的App可覆盖77亿部手机,) 284 0
116581 Galaxy,S7, strong Edge! Samsung Q1 net profit increased by 13.6% year 2016 fiscal year,(Galaxy,S7、Edge强劲!三星2016财年Q1净利同比大增13.6%,) 236 0
116421 Samsung or Apple reconciliation: expensive, but the benefits are not small,(三星或与苹果和解:代价很大,但收益也不小,) 228 0
116420 Samsung BoE for first: to become the world’s largest mobile phone display panel suppliers,(三星首超京东方:成全球最大手机显示面板供应商,) 297 0
116404 IconX blessing wireless Bluetooth headset, Samsung Gear,Fit,2 light(无线蓝牙耳机IconX加持,三星Gear,Fit,2曝光,) 226 0
116229 First-quarter LCD panel market share: LG the first Samsung dropped to the fifth,(一季度液晶面板市场占有率:LG第一,三星跌至第五,) 247 0
116057 Samsung mobile phone sales in the first quarter for Apple twice times, S7, Edge State first-class merit,(三星一季度手机销量为苹果2倍,S7、Edge立头功,) 230 0
116051 Not satisfied with the status quo: Samsung is on a new generation of OLED display technology,(不甘满足现状:传三星正研究新一代的OLED显示技术,) 241 0
115665 Foreign Media: China’s high-end smart phones to compete with Apple iPhone and Samsung,(外媒:中国高端智能手机可与苹果iPhone和三星一较高下,) 243 0
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