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15856 A three-star hotel in emeishan urban area caught fire, casualties unknown(峨眉山城区一家三星级酒店失火,伤亡不明) 336 0
15809 Apple: Samsung was sentenced to pay $ 120 million I want 2.2 billion,(苹果:三星才被判赔1.2亿美元,我想要22亿,) 348 0
15546 Samsung to release first quarter earnings: earn 600 million,(三星发布一季度财报:日赚6亿,) 307 0
14301 三星S5躺枪,韩国三大运营商遭手机销售禁令 - Galaxy S5,三星S5 360 0
14300 一个手机JS的自白 - 苹果,HTC,诺基亚,三星 357 0
13990 Shake up the Smartphone industry, Samsung’s rise to pick up,(智能手机行业洗牌,三星趁乱崛起,) 323 0
13989 Samsung, why insist on using AMOLED screens(三星为什么坚持采用AMOLED屏幕,) 337 0
13468 Samsung’s ambition,(三星的野心,) 430 0
13026 Samsung Tizen systems are in trouble: dumped by a number of operators,(三星Tizen系统陷入困境:被多家运营商抛弃,) 442 0
12549 Lenovo: motor sports, referring to Apple and Samsung,(联想:摩托如虎添翼,剑指苹果和三星,) 387 0
12023 Samsung: 4K screen cell phone has been in the plan,(三星:4K显示屏手机已在计划中,) 375 0
12004 China’s bad mix: rise of local brands Samsung challenge Apple,(中国不好混:本土品牌崛起挑战苹果三星,) 365 0
11220 Why Samsung Tizen to beyond the Android development system? ,(三星为何要在安卓之外开发Tizen系统?,) 359 0
11210 Samsung: mobile phones are bigger, faster, more ...,(三星:手机要更大、更快、更…,) 335 0
11195 Global patent agreements signed, Samsung Google has really become a family,(签署全球专利协议,三星谷歌真成了一家人,) 442 0
10701 Samsung’s “fire“(三星怕“火”,) 375 0
10700 Samsung’s new patent lawsuit defeat, Apple won a second court case(三星新专利诉讼落败,苹果赢得第二场官司,) 452 0
10691 Independent road of suffering: Tizen Samsung phone extension(自主之路磨难多:三星Tizen手机再延期,) 381 0
10679 Apple’s customer satisfaction have fallen sharply, than Microsoft Samsung Sony(苹果用户满意度大幅下滑,不及微软三星索尼,) 359 0
10327 Samsung really fail, Chinese manufacturers to disdain the stronghold Galaxy,Gear,(三星真失败,中国厂商不屑山寨Galaxy,Gear,) 350 0
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