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115552 Samsung to unhorse: shopping spree in emerging markets price wars(三星舍得一身剐:要在新兴市场血拼价格战,) 242 0
115397 Samsung released its 2016 fiscal first-quarter earnings forecast: Galaxy,S7 made the difference,(三星发布2016年第一财季财报预告:Galaxy,S7立大功,) 240 0
115247 TSMC’s laughing: 16nm process orders indiscriminately, is behind Samsung,(台积电偷笑:16nm工艺订单通吃,就是要甩开三星,) 224 0
115097 The return of the King: Samsung NAND memory global market share to above 40%,(王者归来:三星NAND内存全球市场份额再破40%,) 266 0
114945 So powerful! Samsung 256GB Flash memory disclosure(如此强大!三星256GB闪存信息披露,) 338 0
114755 Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company laugh: China’s domestic manufacturing process finished blasting Intel, Samsung(台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司偷笑:中国本土制造工艺完爆英特尔、三星) 232 0
114752 Samsung 2015 development costs exceeded 86 billion: millet lying gun no temper,(三星2015年研发费用超860亿元:小米躺枪没脾气,) 236 0
114446 Samsung intellectual confrontation Apple Apple,pay, who would win? ,(三星智付硬碰苹果Apple,pay,谁能赢?,) 261 0
114414 2015 phone market revenue in the fourth quarter statistics: Apple, Samsung smile Pack,(2015年第四季度手机市场收入统计:苹果、三星笑傲群雄,) 248 0
114276 Pelé infringement litigation: claims US $ 30 million,(球王贝利诉三星侵犯:索赔3000万美元,) 241 0
113783 Samsung allowed in Viet Nam to build research and development centers: 50 need not pay the rent,(三星获准在越南建研发中心:50年不用交房租,) 239 0
113581 Samsung transform corporate culture: now, call me startup(三星变革企业文化:现在开始,叫我创业公司,) 211 0
113571 Mobile phone business prospects: Samsung with artificial intelligence,(手机业务前景不佳:三星要发力人工智能,) 272 0
113368 Samsung S7 300 m falling: fragmentation could not bear to look directly at the screen,(三星S7从300米高空坠落:屏幕碎裂不忍直视,) 249 0
112826 S7, S7,Edge hot, Samsung has to tighten its belt,(S7、S7,Edge热卖,三星却要勒紧裤腰带,) 246 0
112673 Preemption Samsung premiere: Messi as Huawei’s global Ambassador,(抢占三星头牌:梅西成为华为全球形象大使,) 224 0
112499 Galaxy,S7, Edge rival many Samsung cut research and development investments, cut 2500,(Galaxy,S7、Edge敌手众多,三星削减研发投资、裁员2500,) 248 0
112330 IFixit opened Sina micro-blog: first Chinese disassembly video of Samsung S7,Edge,(iFixit开通新浪微博:首发三星S7,Edge中文拆解视频,) 233 0
112311 Apple reigns Samsung, Nokia can put on the return of the King? ,(苹果三星君临天下,诺基亚能否上演王者归来?,) 274 0
112156 Samsung Exynos8890 secret weapon: research _Janus SCI schema-driven engine,(三星Exynos8890秘密武器:自研SCI架构+Janus驱动引擎,) 268 0
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