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132815 Count eight events in 2016 sector: Samsung Note7 explosion on the list,(盘点2016年科技界八大事件:三星Note7爆炸上榜,) 189 0
132696 Underground explosion in a coal mine, chifeng city, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region killed 17 people(内蒙古自治区赤峰市一煤矿井下爆炸致17人死亡) 164 0
132691 End of the Inner Mongolia coal mine blast rescue, 32 victims ’ bodies out of mine(内蒙古煤矿爆炸救援结束,32名遇难者遗体运出矿井) 149 0
132688 A coal mine explosion in Inner Mongolia, 17 people have been killed, 10 people were trapped(内蒙古一煤矿发生爆炸,已有17人遇难10人被困) 162 0
132569 Heilongjiang qitaihe coal mine gas explosion, rescue was carried out(黑龙江七台河煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸,救援正紧张进行) 140 0
132326 长三乙火箭首飞失败画面曝光:坠山坡爆炸(图)-爆炸-火箭 190 0
132079 天津港大爆炸“保护伞”:16万贿金与165条人命 161 0
131962 天津港爆炸事故庭审画面首次曝光-天津港爆炸 184 0
131891 Shandong Zibo a power plant explosion 2 dead, 9 injured(山东淄博一家热电厂发生爆炸,已致2死9伤) 164 0
131854 400 Yuan to buy a cellphone exploded in the chest, girls eye injuries,(400元买的手机突然在胸前爆炸起火,女子眼睛受伤,) 195 0
131775 Gas exploded in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, 6 injured(浙江温州发生一起煤气爆炸,6人受伤) 181 0
131480 Lithium battery explosion, NASA robot instantly is destroyed,(锂电池发生爆炸,NASA一机器人瞬间被摧毁,) 226 0
131317 Valley of Shaanxi Provincial Government exploded, hundreds of people were stranded, local hospitals have been hit(陕西省府谷爆炸,有人员被困,当地医院遭冲击) 213 0
131316 Shaanxi Province, Fugu BLAST: may be due to possession of explosives(陕西省府谷县爆炸:可能是因为私藏炸药) 162 0
131313 Explosion in Yulin in Shaanxi, was secretly hidden explosives, injuring more than(陕西榆林发生爆炸,因有人私自藏炸药,多人受伤) 180 0
131310 Bomb explosion in Shaanxi Province, Fugu place: 2 people have died(陕西省府谷县发生大爆炸:已有2人死亡) 213 0
131212 Hainan East eight chemical dock ship engine room explosion, 1 dead, 1 missing(海南东方八所港危化码头船舶机舱爆炸,1死1失踪) 215 0
131175 首富嫖娼、千金殉情……三星狗血豪门恩怨比Note7更爆炸 255 0
131167 Hunan highway a truck carrying Fireworks exploded(湖南高速公路一辆装载烟花爆竹的货车爆炸) 164 0
131028 Explosion of unknown origin occurred in Yunnan province, killing 2 people were killed and 15 others were injured,(云南发生不明原因爆炸,致2人死亡15人受伤,) 167 0
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