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2640 Qingdao many departments shall avoid talking about 7 hours before the explosion happened(青岛多部门均避谈爆炸前7小时发生了什么) 367 0
2638 Qingdao explosive nature very serious accidents, safety supervision Bureau hair 15 q(青岛爆炸定性十分严重责任事故,安监局长发15问) 336 0
2637 Qingdao explosion accident rescue, marine pollution affecting fisheries production(青岛爆炸事故救援持续,海上污染影响渔业生产) 387 0
2636 Qingdao 7 hours before the explosion: diesel fumes the city streets without the knowledge(青岛爆炸前7小时:满街柴油味市政府不知情) 342 0
2571 Explosion in Beijing Capital International Airport on Friday to open second instance verdict(首都机场爆炸案周五将二审公开宣判) 398 0
2567 Director of the work safety supervision administration of Qingdao explosive bursts of question 15: why evacuation(安监总局局长就青岛爆炸连发15问:为何不疏散) 419 0
2534 A simple bungalow exploded in jinnan district, Tianjin, is under investigation(天津津南区一间简易平房发生爆炸,原因正在调查) 415 0
2464 Qingdao scene: a car was blown in two, roads turned into rivers(青岛爆炸现场:车被炸成两段,道路变成河道) 370 0
2463 Qingdao scene witnessed mass: May 3, 4 people were killed(青岛爆炸现场目击群众:可能有3、4人死亡) 371 0
2462 Qingdao scene of total non-methane hydrocarbon concentration is not exceeded(青岛爆炸现场非甲烷总烃浓度未超标) 345 0
2457 Qingdao oil pipeline explosion, friends pictures of smoke on the plane broken clouds(青岛输油管道爆炸,网友飞机上拍到浓烟破云层) 304 0
2456 Qingdao oil pipeline explosion has killed 1 person and injured 47 _ caused by SINA news(青岛漏油管道爆炸已致1人死亡47人受伤_新浪新闻) 303 0
2455 Qingdao oil pipeline explosion community guards ’ Office was razed(青岛输油管道爆炸现场小区保卫室被夷为平地) 403 0
2452 Qingdao Huangdao explosion has caused 3 dead and more than 40 wounded(青岛黄岛爆炸事故已致3死40余伤) 398 0
2451 Qingdao Huangdao explosion has caused 1 death and multiple injuries(青岛黄岛爆炸事故已致1死多伤) 326 0
2450 Qingdao Huangdao explosion flame has extinguished(青岛黄岛爆炸事故明火已扑灭) 360 0
2449 Qingdao Huangdao exploded, residents said roads cracked(青岛黄岛区发生爆炸,居民称道路出现崩裂) 417 0
2447 Qingdao environmental protection Bureau:After the pipeline explosion of methane concentration of total hydrocarbon not overweight(青岛环保局:管道爆炸后非甲烷总烃浓度未超标) 335 0
2442 Qingdao chemical plant explosion scene set afire(青岛化工厂发生爆炸,现场浓烟滚滚) 373 0
2440 Qingdao blast invested 1.3 billion pipeline project in late August has just enabled(青岛爆炸管道项目投资13亿,8月底刚刚启用) 319 0
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