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4831 Huanghua, Hebei more than 10 times in a chain explosion at the gas station this morning(河北黄骅液化气站上午发生10余次连环爆炸) 254 0
4664 Xunyi, Shaanxi villagers set off the homemade device to explode, 2 dead and 14 wounded(陕西旬邑村民引爆自制装置致爆炸,2死14伤) 371 0
4663 Xunyi, Shaanxi explosion 2 dead and 14 wounded, the suspect detonated homemade devices killed(陕西旬邑爆炸案2死14伤,嫌犯引爆自制装置死亡) 312 0
4645 Shensi detonate due to people not vote for it when the group leader(陕西村民引爆炸弹案疑因村民不选其当小组长) 340 0
4641 Shaanxi to 2 dead bombing suspect’s suicide note said that villagers bullied him(陕西致2死爆炸案嫌疑人遗书称村民都欺负他) 316 0
4541 Caused by explosion in xunyi, Shaanxi Province 2 dead and 14 wounded, suspect dead(陕西旬邑爆炸案致2死14伤,嫌犯当场死亡) 367 0
4517 2 dead bomber was caused by villagers in Shaanxi Province detonated eating implement failed(陕西致2死爆炸案嫌犯曾请村民吃饭实施引爆未果) 378 0
4278 Shanghai jiangqiao refuse 2 killed and 4 wounded caused by explosion 1 missing-explosion-garbage(上海江桥垃圾厂爆炸事故已致2死4伤1人失踪-爆炸事故-垃圾) 385 0
4273 Preliminary identification of waste incineration plant in Shanghai accident nets bursting-pipe explosion-Shanghai-garbage incineration plant(上海垃圾焚烧厂事故初步查明-管网维修突爆炸-上海-垃圾焚烧厂) 357 0
4230 Incinerator explosions have caused 3 deaths in Shanghai-Shanghai-garbage incineration plant(上海垃圾焚烧厂爆炸已致3人死亡-上海-垃圾焚烧厂) 318 0
4176 53 dead eight caused by gas explosions in coal mines in Jilin province Jilin-trial-eight coal mine(吉林致53死八宝煤矿瓦斯爆炸案一审开庭-吉林-八宝煤矿) 339 0
4010 Waste incineration plant in Shanghai has been caused by the explosion 1 dead and 1 missing and 5 injured(上海垃圾焚烧厂爆炸已致1死1失踪5人受伤) 365 0
4001 To 6 dead and 3 injured in gas explosion in Jiangxi fengcheng coal mine, a private coal mine(江西丰城煤矿瓦斯爆炸致6死3伤,属私营煤矿) 349 0
3980 Shanghai Jiading district, a waste incineration plant explosion are buried(上海嘉定一垃圾焚烧厂发生爆炸多人被埋) 456 0
3971 Qingdao oil pipeline explosion started the compensation program, begun in-home assessment(青岛输油管爆炸事故启动赔偿程序,开始入户评估) 402 0
3921 Guangzhou haizhu district, a warehouse fire, accompanied by explosions at the scene (photo)(广州海珠区一仓库起火,现场伴有爆炸声(图)) 374 0
3918 Guangdong sea zhuhu warehouse gas tank burst into flames(广东海珠湖仓库煤气罐爆炸起火) 308 0
3915 Gas explosion in a coal mine in fengcheng, Jiangxi to 6 dead and 3 injured(江西丰城一煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸致6死3伤) 317 0
3860 53 dead eight coal mine gas explosion induced by Jilin trial(吉林致53死八宝煤矿瓦斯爆炸案一审开庭) 422 0
3767 Qingdao blast damaged houses security identification and assessment(青岛将开展爆炸受损房屋安全鉴定和评估) 287 0
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