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127742 湖北当阳爆炸事故出事企业曾发生泄漏事件-当阳 183 0
127690 Zigong, Sichuan Institute of oxygen plant exploded, injuring at least 2 people(四川自贡研究院氧气车间爆炸,至少2人受伤) 259 0
127672 Hubei dangyang factory explosion site exposure: deformation cannot be identified(湖北当阳工厂爆炸现场曝光:物品变形无法辨认) 241 0
127671 Hubei dangyang explosion three questions: why the high pressure steam piping leakage(三问湖北当阳爆炸事故:高压蒸气管道为何外泄) 202 0
127670 Hubei dangyang explosion three questions: steam leak is how it happens(三问湖北当阳爆炸事故:蒸气外泄是怎样发生的) 286 0
127669 Hubei dangyang company explosion has caused 21 dead, 5 injured(湖北当阳一公司发生爆炸,已致21死5伤) 240 0
127656 21 dead, Hubei dangyang power plant explosion, steam through the wall cause casualties(湖北当阳热电厂爆炸致21死,蒸汽穿墙致人员伤亡) 214 0
127332 天津港爆炸地土壤修复未完工 知情人称暂无时间表 322 0
127114 15 gold market, Fengtai District Beijing caught fire, explosion(北京丰台区一五金市场起火,现场传出爆炸声) 248 0
126234 3 dead, 4 wounded in Shanxi malignant bombing suspect captured(山西3死4伤恶性爆炸案犯罪嫌疑人被抓获) 216 0
126074 5 people were injured in the explosion of a battery factory in Shenzhen, smoke at the scene(深圳一家电池厂爆炸致5人受伤,现场浓烟滚滚) 229 0
125534 6 missing caused by explosion in Inner Mongolia, making explosives for private exploitation(内蒙古发生爆炸致6人失踪,因私制炸药盗采所致) 233 0
125218 1 dead, the village Committee Office of Guangdong bang, $ 300,000 reward criminals(广东村委会办公室爆炸致1死,警方悬赏30万缉凶) 243 0
124796 Nanjing Hotels due to gas tank leak caused the explosion 22 wounded(南京一饭店疑因液化气罐泄露引发爆炸22人受伤) 232 0
124552 Korean media: City substation explosion, Samsung Electronics lost tens of billions of won,(韩媒:西安变电站爆炸致三星电子损失数百亿韩元,) 237 0
124171 Suspected South of XI ’ an power plant explosion, flames(西安南郊电厂疑似发生爆炸,火光冲天) 260 0
124120 西安变电站疑似发生两次爆炸 1名小伙受伤(图) 259 0
124119 西安变电站爆炸起火 未发现人为破坏迹象-变电站 253 0
123949 Fireworks factory explosion killed 5 people in Hunan, charge transfer body(湖南烟花厂爆炸致5人死亡,负责人指使转移尸体) 238 0
123894 山东1辆越野车行驶中爆炸1死1伤 警方-刑事案件-刑事案件 272 0
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