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7752 Airport bomber Shandong, Hebei zhongxing at prison(首都机场爆炸案嫌犯冀中星已在山东监狱服刑) 328 0
7749 A suspected pyrotechnic laboratories in Lixian County, Hunan province has been caused by the explosion, 6 dead(湖南澧县一处疑似烟火药加工点爆炸已致6死) 303 0
7572 Sichuan Mall explosion flame extinguished, 40 injured(四川商城爆炸事故明火全扑灭,40人受伤) 285 0
7565 Sichuan Luzhou Mall explosion 3 dead after inhaling too much smoke(四川泸州商场爆炸3名死者因吸入过量浓烟) 316 0
7564 Sichuan Luzhou Mall bombings continued: the couple is still missing(四川泸州商场连环爆炸续:一对情侣仍失踪) 307 0
7507 Guangdong’s Meizhou House possession of fireworks and firecrackers explosion killed 6 people(广东梅州民宅私藏烟花爆竹发生爆炸6人遇难) 278 0
7116 Parcel bombing that the killer was sentenced to life in Guangdong, courier sentenced to pay more than 300,000(广东邮包爆炸案凶手被判无期,快递判赔30余万) 295 0
7005 9 to 10 dead and 33 injured explosion accident in Shandong province were transferred to the judicial(山东致10死33伤爆炸事故9人被移送司法) 299 0
5895 Zhejiang Anji Internet rumors spread crash explosion are punished(浙江安吉网民散布战机坠毁爆炸谣言受处罚) 334 0
5867 Tongzhou, Beijing noodle shop explosion due to gas tank explosion(北京通州拉面馆爆炸系煤气罐爆燃所致) 294 0
5796 Guangzhou Baiyun 8 dead caused by explosion accident 14 people were transferred to judicial organs(广州白云致8死爆炸事故14人被移送司法机关) 292 0
5756 Beijing Tongzhou pull noodle shop explosion injured 9 people(北京通州一拉面馆发生爆炸致9人受伤) 291 0
5558 Xinjiang coal mine blast trapped 22 are still in search and rescue(新疆煤矿爆炸被困22人仍在搜救中) 310 0
5557 Xinjiang Changji’s coal mine gas explosion accident, 22 people were trapped(新疆昌吉发生煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故,22人被困) 287 0
5469 Poplar in Xinjiang coal mine gas explosion killed 21 people(新疆白杨沟煤矿瓦斯爆炸致21人遇难) 285 0
5440 Mine gas explosion accidents in the Changji, 22 were trapped(新疆昌吉发生煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故22人被困) 283 0
5388 Huanghua, Hebei gas station fire and explosion of the missing have been confirmed dead(河北黄骅液化气站火灾爆炸失踪人员已确认死亡) 277 0
5352 Fuzhou, Jiangxi fireworks factory explosion-induced 1 killed and 1 wounded(江西抚州烟花爆竹厂爆炸致1死1伤) 318 0
5307 Changji, Xinjiang coal mine gas explosion, 12 were successful hoist 22 people were trapped,(新疆昌吉煤矿瓦斯爆炸,12人成功升井22人被困,) 311 0
4832 Huanghua, Hebei private gas station more than 10 times with bombings(河北黄骅私人液化气站发生10余次连环爆炸) 308 0
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