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130895 Note7, washing machines back-to-back bombings lawsuit against Samsung in embattled distress(Note7、洗衣机连续爆炸,官司败诉:三星陷四面楚歌的困境) 176 0
130825 Qilu pharmaceutical factory explosion many times, causes an abnormal menstruation among middle school students in the next room(齐鲁制药厂多次发生爆炸,导致隔壁中学生月经不正常) 203 0
130823 Pharmaceutical companies leak and explosion accident in Jinan, near the school year acid smell(济南制药企业发生泄露爆炸事故,附近学校常年有酸臭味) 231 0
130810 Samsung washing machine exploded again, cover direct blow,(三星洗衣机再爆炸,上盖直接被炸飞,) 217 0
130567 Harbin building explosion caused 3 deaths and victims were rushed out and killed by blast(哈尔滨高楼爆炸致3人死亡,遇难者被气浪冲出身亡) 168 0
130548 Mobile phone battery technology revealed why this explosion? ,(手机电池技术大揭密:为何会爆炸?,) 225 0
130306 Samsung mobile phone explosion caused public concern, Ministry experts interpret(三星手机爆炸引发公众关注,中国工信部专家解读) 207 0
130304 Ningxia shizuishan coal mine gas explosion has caused 9 deaths, 11 people still trapped(宁夏石嘴山煤矿瓦斯爆炸,已致9人死亡,11人仍被困) 120 0
130142 Secret of SpaceX Falcon 9th explosion: helium cryogenic system failures or due to(SpaceX揭秘猎鹰9号爆炸:或因氦低温系统故障所致,) 221 0
129932 Explosion at a laboratory in colleges and universities in Shanghai, two students injured(上海高校一实验室发生爆炸,两名学生受重伤) 171 0
129923 Chicken farm, a town in Hunan blast killed 6 people(湖南一镇养鸡场爆炸致6人死亡) 139 0
129768 Xiamen 15 typhoons: the Windows were punctured, like a big bang(厦门15级台风:窗户被吹破,像经历了一场大爆炸) 136 0
129581 Samsung Note7 van 3 deaths caused by the explosion on the way? The truth is,(三星Note7运货车途中爆炸致3人死亡?真相在此,) 254 0
129507 高官指使亲属炸死情妇 成电视剧原型登陆央视 -情妇-爆炸 219 0
129456 Illicit processing dens in Hebei explosion, the person in charge of control, property is frozen(河北非法加工窝点爆炸,负责人被控制,财产被冻结) 131 0
129146 SpaceX Falcon 9th explosive video: smoke and flames all over the sky,(SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭爆炸视频:浓烟起,火光漫天,) 217 0
129136 Expert analysis of SpaceX rocket explosion: may be low-level errors,(专家分析SpaceX火箭爆炸原因:可能是低级失误,) 204 0
128609 Shop routine depth: lied about cell phone explosion, fake recovery scams,(网店套路深:谎称手机会爆炸,假回收真诈骗,) 226 0
127814 Hubei dangyang explosion death toll to 22, 6 people were controlled(湖北当阳爆炸遇难人数增至22人,6责任人被控制) 201 0
127751 Hubei dangyang power station explosion 6 person control(湖北当阳电厂爆炸事件6名责任人被控制) 212 0
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