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16270 Heilongjiang qitaihe tiedong coal mine gas explosion at the new iron mine(黑龙江七台河铁东煤矿新铁矿区发生瓦斯爆炸) 258 0
16269 Heilongjiang qitaihe coal mine explosion has killed 4 injured(黑龙江七台河煤矿发生爆炸事故已造成4人受伤) 331 0
16268 Heilongjiang qitaihe coal mine explosion has caused casualties(黑龙江七台河煤矿发生爆炸事故已造成人员伤亡) 285 0
16186 Mobile power explosion, forced stop of Shenzhen Metro,(移动电源爆炸,逼停深圳地铁,) 295 0
16185 Millet: Chengdu millet mobile power of the explosion was fake,(小米:成都爆炸的小米移动电源是假货,) 464 0
16005 XI Jinping instructions explosion in Urumqi: rapid detection punish thugs(习近平批示乌鲁木齐爆炸案:迅速破案严惩暴徒) 416 0
15999 Hong Kong media: Urumqi bombings were suicide attacks(港媒:乌鲁木齐火车站爆炸系遭自杀式袭击) 323 0
15965 Sue broke the Urumqi South railway station bombings, two suspect identification(乌鲁木齐火车南站爆炸案告破,两嫌犯身份查明) 367 0
15709 Sichuan deyang, a chemical plant blast, casualties are not known to have no(四川德阳一家化工厂爆炸,尚不知有无人员伤亡) 251 0
15647 Explosion in front of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the producer sentenced to die, a motive still unknown(山西省委门前爆炸案制造者判死,作案动机仍不明) 340 0
15345 中山市一家铝材厂发生爆炸 两名员工1死1伤-中山铝材厂爆炸 301 0
14852 Tunnel explosion in Shanxi province has witnessed the police fell dead, had been interviewed by Prosecutor’s Office(山西隧道爆炸事故目击交警坠亡,曾被检察院约谈) 396 0
13622 Return visit Qingdao pipeline explosion(青岛管道爆炸回访) 246 0
13569 Experts respond to stomach explodes News: exaggerated, not science(专家回应胃爆炸着火新闻:说法夸张不科学) 278 0
13109 Handan office building exploded and more than 40 houses damaged(河北邯郸一处家属楼发生爆炸,40多房屋受损) 336 0
12211 Yunnan qiaojia bombing two defendants received the death penalty, used to spend 100 Yuan to hire someone to play(云南巧家爆炸案两被告获死刑,曾花100元雇人弹) 402 0
12210 Yunnan qiaojia bombing trial(云南巧家爆炸案庭审) 326 0
12078 Babao coal mine explosion caused 53 deaths in Jilin province sentenced persons sentenced(吉林致53人死八宝煤矿爆炸案宣判,多人获刑) 262 0
10423 Guizhou kaili explosion investigation: mountain casino gambling hundreds of millions(贵州凯里爆炸调查:深山赌场日赌资上千万) 278 0
10422 Guizhou kaili are suspended police chief due to explosion in Casino(贵州凯里公安局长因赌场爆炸案被停职) 396 0
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