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125323 Huawei cut 20% phone orders? Kang Ho: year sold 140 million is no problem,(华为砍掉20%手机订单?何刚:年销1.4亿台没有问题,) 246 0
125321 Girls class cell phones, was beaten by her grandmother rushed into the classroom,(女生上课玩手机,遭奶奶冲进教室殴打,) 266 0
125320 Female gas station cell phones was “explosion“, General 60% Burns(女子加油站玩手机遭“闪爆”,全身60%灼伤,) 264 0
125318 Employee steal wages boss cell phones, micro-letter transfers to their “wages“(员工偷欠薪老板手机,微信转账给自己“发工资”,) 260 0
125247 Americans spend 4.3 hours per day watching TV, 1.5 hour play phone,(美国人每天花4.3小时看电视,1.5小时玩手机,) 235 0
125176 Lei: focusing on mobile phone within three years, millet’s House to do 1000,(雷军:三年内专注手机,小米之家要做一千家,) 246 0
125164 Boy crossing the cell phones were flying, the driver is also looking at mobile phones,(小伙过马路玩手机被撞飞,司机也在看手机,) 300 0
125102 Juvenile phone film didn’t ask price is subject to 888 Yuan, boss: lifelong replacement,(少年手机贴膜没问价被收888元,店家:终身包换,) 255 0
125092 高通起诉魅族:国产手机仍缺乏创新战略思维 - 高通,魅族,专利 252 0
125085 小米配得上450亿美元的高估值吗? - 小米,小米5,小米手机 232 0
125028 Suzhou railway station, China Mobile charging station 1 rechargeable 20 minutes, power only by 1%(中国苏州火车站手机充电站1元可充20分钟,电量仅增1%,) 244 0
125014 Excessive use of smartphones is what harm? ,(智能手机过度使用都有哪些危害?,) 244 0
124948 You haven’t shot? Side looking at mobile phones may cause temporary blindness,(你中枪没?侧躺看手机可能造成短暂失明,) 264 0
124940 To prevent audience stolen camera: the theater to launch mobile phone blocking bag,(为防观众盗摄:这家剧场推出手机封锁袋,) 244 0
124921 Boys cell phone saved more than 20 volumes of pornographic films: Studio 1 1 download,(男生手机存20余部色情电影:照相馆1元1部下载而来,) 237 0
124836 Network investment turmoil: the app fried silver 8, skillfully cheat phone numbers(网络投资乱象:微信炒银8元起,巧骗手机号,) 271 0
124812 支付宝联合武汉公安上线“电子身份证”:住酒店直接刷手机 - 支付宝,身份证 230 0
124735 Youth theft friends mobile phone opened Alipay flowers, shopping, inflatable dolls,(少年盗用朋友手机开通支付宝花呗,网购充气娃娃,) 250 0
124734 Wrath of the Internet of things hit 1.2 billion dollars, Samsung wants to sell more than cell phones,(物联网怒砸12亿美元,三星想卖的不止手机,) 238 0
124731 Vote: your own cell phone battery life satisfaction? ,(投票:你对自己手机的电池续航满意吗?,) 247 0
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