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127730 Scared patients: mobile search diseases, private hospitals should come,(患者吓坏:手机搜索疾病,民营医院竟能找上门,) 252 0
127728 Phones sold fixed do? Samsung officials: selling cars(手机卖不动咋办?三星官方:卖车,) 263 0
127722 Ericsson mobile trends report: mobile phones in 2018 will be overtaken by this type of equipment,(爱立信移动趋势报告:手机将在2018年被这类设备超越,) 241 0
127721 Each leading 35 years: mobile phone market the brand why alternating lead? ,(各领风骚三五年:手机市场各品牌为何交替领跑?,) 232 0
127712 After the plane took off using a mobile phone, up to 50,000? ,(飞机起飞后用手机,最高罚五万?,) 301 0
127702 回眸第一代国产手机:夏新、科健俱往矣 - 夏新,波导,华为 235 0
127695 一直在求变,但联想手机为什么没能做起来? - 联想 266 0
127641 Rio Olympic tale France fencers phone Lefaure the game flutter and ground,(里约奥运会奇闻,法国击剑选手勒福尔比赛时手机飞落地上,) 282 0
127576 Pick up phone ask for 3000 Yuan paid restitution, woman anxious alarm,(捡到手机竟然索要报酬3000元归还,女子心急报警,) 244 0
127566 Fly cell phones up to 50,000 yuan,(搭乘飞机玩手机,最高罚5万元,) 241 0
127560 Chinese-made high-end phone blowout, Qualcomm smiled,(中国国产中高端手机井喷,高通笑了,) 266 0
127559 China-made mobile phones price boom is coming: spell out price war should user segments,(中国国产手机涨价潮来临:拼完价格战后应该细分用户,) 282 0
127506 Uganda online “porn detector“: discovering computers, cell phones, save topless was sentenced to 10 years(乌干达上线“色情探测仪”:发现电脑、手机存裸照将被判刑10年) 222 0
127505 The Chinese “mobile phone dependence“ how far bad than others? ,(中国人“手机依赖症”为何远比其他国家厉害?,) 231 0
127481 手机APP注册实名制8月起实施,包括微博、QQ等 - 实名制,APP 232 0
127437 Grandchildren play with my phone for an hour: flow cost 1200,(孙子拿爷爷手机玩了一小时:流量费用1200元,) 241 0
127379 Nokia phones are not made, why money than HTC,(诺基亚手机都不做了,为啥比HTC还挣钱,) 275 0
127333 当心!这些手机软件违规使用用户信息 恶意吸费 222 0
127313 Li Zhao’s Black History: counting stars want to destroy most mobile advertising,(李宇春赵薇的黑历史:盘点那些明星最想毁掉的手机广告,) 238 0
127312 Indulge in mobile phones and other Internet-enabled devices: one-third United Kingdom Internet users try to “digital drug“(沉迷手机等上网设备:三分之一英国网民尝试“数字戒毒”) 262 0
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