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114759 University graduates job-seekers do not shun stolen cell phones, PS girl nude blackmail,(大学高材生求职不顺偷手机,还PS女子裸照敲诈,) 312 0
114743 Market share 1%, Intel Mobile chip executives rushed to leave,(市场份额仅1%,英特尔手机芯片主管火速离职,) 272 0
114731 2016 Smartphone growth will be low, India is the only bright spot,(2016智能手机增速将创新低,印度成唯一亮点,) 234 0
114671 陕西安康4名官员开会看手机被通报批评(图) -干部-手机 297 0
114670 陕西4名干部开会看手机被通报 并要求做检讨 294 0
114600 Profit myths shattered, mobile phone chip’s “three kingdoms“(利润神话破灭,手机芯片间的“三国杀”,) 265 0
114593 Micro-electronic invoicing solutions, you can on the phone scratch card,(微信发电子发票解决方案,以后可在手机上刮奖,) 248 0
114575 2016 Smartphone growth or just 7%: China is even worse in North America,(2016年智能手机增长率或仅为7%:中国北美更惨,) 242 0
114443 Passports can be “forced“ into cell phones? United Kingdom note printing company said,(护照也能“塞”进手机?英国印钞公司说可以,) 221 0
114435 Liu Jiangfeng, President of glory before contact: or back to the cell phone rings,(前荣耀总裁刘江峰接触乐视:或重回手机圈,) 226 0
114431 Hebei 12 students with cell phones are restrain him, education can’t watch this,(河北12名学生带手机被劝退,教育局看不下去了,) 238 0
114418 Apple iPhone don’t cry, Google has been asked to Jie Suoan Android phone(苹果iPhone不哭,谷歌也曾被要求解锁安卓手机,) 280 0
114414 2015 phone market revenue in the fourth quarter statistics: Apple, Samsung smile Pack,(2015年第四季度手机市场收入统计:苹果、三星笑傲群雄,) 248 0
114281 Taxiing aircraft on the ground can open the phone? ,(飞机着地滑行时可以打开手机吗?,) 246 0
114253 BlackBerry give up mobile phones businesses, will focus on enterprise software development,(传黑莓放弃手机业务,将专注企业软件开发,) 237 0
114251 Beijing wants to push e-card specification: to be the identity information is loaded into the phone,(北京欲推一卡通规范:拟将身份信息加载进手机,) 191 0
114079 Comments: students with cell phones is discouraged is the arbitrariness of the school management,(评论:学生带手机被劝退是学校管理蛮横,) 279 0
114078 Cell phone weather software is wide of the mark: after the storm warning(手机天气软件被指不靠谱:暴雨过后才发预警,) 176 0
114013 河北沧州一中坚持劝退玩手机学生 称非不教而诛-玩手机-学生 216 0
113957 Talk about value for money is a hooligan? Mobile phone price and hardware cost is really trivial,(不谈性价比就是耍流氓?手机售价和硬件成本关系真的不大,) 224 0
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