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123817 Jin agreed that cool mobile phone TV plus buy real: had made a formal apology,(金立员工承认酷派手机被乐视收购不实:已正式道歉,) 266 0
123803 Banks 150,000 cards were turned away because of mobile phone was cloned, where vulnerability is? ,(银行卡15万元被转走竟因手机号被克隆,漏洞究竟在哪里?,) 231 0
123799 7 men tied to 580 Samsung and Apple mobile entry to be checked,(7名男子身绑580部三星和苹果手机入境被查,) 252 0
123798 6 million Yuan to build classrooms in universities monitor: nobody sleeps, cell phones in class,(高校600万元建教室监控:上课没人敢睡觉、玩手机,) 243 0
123704 国产手机诉苹果侵权令其停销售 苹果反诉知产局-知识产权 250 0
123671 Women picked up the charging cell phones died: suspect plug leakage,(女子拿起充电手机意外身亡:疑插头漏电,) 244 0
123666 There phone number transfer balances Unicom, owner does not know! ,(还有余额联通手机号被过户,机主却完全不知情!,) 245 0
123661 Prowl for guangfo Metro WiFi, look at your phone this configuration is enough,(想蹭广佛地铁WiFi,先看你手机这个配置够不够,) 286 0
123632 雷军,走在成就小米之路上的孤独行者 - 雷军,小米手机 264 0
123516 Young wet toilet play phone, misfortune struck dead by lightning,(少年雨天公厕玩手机,不幸遭雷击身亡,) 253 0
123502 Jingdong 618 News: Huawei end phone for six months(京东618战报:华为终结小米手机六连冠,) 264 0
123337 United States 17 year old girl to pick up cell phones jumped the tracks was hit: drivers slamming on the brakes for help,(美国17岁女孩为捡手机跳进铁轨被撞:司机紧急刹车救命,) 235 0
123331 Smartphones in the first quarter market report: outbreak of Chinese manufacturers,(一季度智能手机市场最新报告:中国厂商爆发,) 214 0
123327 Qualcomm black technology: mobile phone WiFi signal up to 60%(高通黑科技:手机WiFi信号提升60%,) 224 0
123316 Live CCTV guru Duan Xuan euro lost cell phones, Twitter on the wanted thief,(央视名嘴段暄直播欧洲杯丢手机,欲在Twitter上通缉小偷,) 285 0
123307 Clinton and expose “illegal“ Act: private mobile phone authorized drone air strikes(希拉里又曝“违规”之举:用私人手机授权无人机空袭,) 243 0
123302 Amount released globally networked devices and smart phones is the Overlord,(全球联网设备数量出炉,智能手机是霸主,) 268 0
123171 Woman mobile app message suddenly mute, Alipay was turned away tens of thousands of Yuan,(女子手机微信短信突然静音,支付宝被转走上万元,) 267 0
123162 Phone without Samsung’s AMOLED screen of truth,(小米手机不用三星AMOLED屏幕的真相,) 260 0
123159 Obama finally get a new cell phone: no BlackBerry, but as crazy,(奥巴马终于换新手机:不是黑莓,但一样让人抓狂,) 234 0
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