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129081 Foreign travel program to Shenzhen: 200 assembled mobile phone shocked host(外国旅游节目来深圳:200元组装手机惊呆主持人,) 185 0
129076 Audi considering launching advanced car rental service in Beijing: phone appointments, billing by the hour,(奥迪考虑在北京推出高级租车服务:手机预约,按小时计费,) 250 0
129020 Mobile phone users encounter an imposter for card losses of 80,000 yuan, China Unicom operations compliance,(用户手机遭遇冒名换卡损失8万元,中国联通:操作合规,) 204 0
129002 Bad cell phone signals inside the city in Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs was out of the House to answer the phone,(硅谷城内手机信号奇差,乔布斯曾走出家门接电话,) 188 0
128920 China-made mobile phones impact the world’s top five, snapped up India market(中国国产手机冲击全球前五,疯抢印度市场,) 134 0
128908 科技如此发达,为何手机电池用一两天就得充电? - 手机电池,充电 137 0
128825 Play cell phones on a plane realize sooner or later? China’s three largest airlines are ready to such a degree,(飞机上玩手机迟早实现?国内三大航已准备到这种程度,) 203 0
128822 New API caused privacy panic: page to call the cell phone camera, centimeter-level positioning! ,(新API引发隐私泄露恐慌:网页可调用手机摄像头,厘米级定位!,) 130 0
128819 Mobile phone - different dimensions,(手机=异次元,) 137 0
128818 Mobile malware invasions of privacy, users are more easy to hit in big cities,(手机恶意程序侵犯隐私,大城市用户更容易中招,) 181 0
128800 Beijing police released 500 stolen mobile phone, the owner: thought it was scam calls(北京警方发还500部被盗手机,失主:还以为是诈骗电话,) 226 0
128753 Tragedy: man drilled into the toilet to pick up cell phone is stuck,(大悲剧:男子钻入马桶捡手机被困,) 203 0
128752 Ride electric cars while playing mobile phone also runs a red light, hit by a 17-year-olds were killed,(边玩手机边骑电动车还闯红灯,17岁少年被撞身亡,) 197 0
128749 Poems satirical parents of pupils: they don’t need to have two kids, there are mobile enough,(小学生写诗讽刺爸妈:他们不需要生二胎,有手机足够,) 219 0
128748 Obsession of the cross fire, 13-year-olds play mobile gaming was cheated of 80,000 yuan,(痴迷《穿越火线》,13岁少年玩手机游戏被骗8万元,) 191 0
128742 Father of China: man for his son made a 4-meter-high robot, mobile remote control,(中国好爸爸:男子为儿子造出4米高机器人,可手机遥控,) 231 0
128710 Why are Europe and the United States on a plane using a mobile phone, we cannot do so? ,(为什么欧美国家能在飞机上用手机,我们却不能?,) 241 0
128707 Two men holding a stick hit a number of mobile phone shops in Beijing, the whole not robbed the cell phone,(北京两男子持棍打砸多家手机店,全程不抢手机,) 249 0
128655 联发科高管专访:占有手机市场35%,将发力智能家居 - 联发科,高通,处理器 223 0
128609 Shop routine depth: lied about cell phone explosion, fake recovery scams,(网店套路深:谎称手机会爆炸,假回收真诈骗,) 226 0
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