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118384 Cinema should allow viewers to use cell phones? ,(电影院该不该允许观众使用手机?,) 258 0
118382 British pupils excessive phone Tablet: the toilet can’t take care of themselves,(英小学生过度沉迷手机平板:上厕所都无法自理,) 238 0
118380 Big-screen phone users like to use the software? 5 inch mobile phone appeal(大屏手机用户更爱用软件?5英寸手机不服,) 258 0
118370 Ali YunOS Announces 2016 phone shipments goal: 100 million,(阿里YunOS公布2016年手机出货量目标:1亿部,) 252 0
118316 Chinese young people to use smart phones to get all the daily life(中国年轻人用智能手机搞定一切日常生活) 264 0
118004 Smartphone sales not to force: Fu Zhikang shares,(智能手机销量不给力:富智康股价大跌,) 270 0
117986 Lenovo mobile India sales 60%, fell out of the top five in the world,(联想手机印度销量猛增六成,仍跌出全球五强,) 290 0
117971 Fourth largest carriers of defective: radio and television to carry out mobile phones businesses,(第四大运营商有缺陷:广电不能开展移动手机业务,) 274 0
117970 Foreign Media: Intel lost the cell phone chip market, this pot CEO Chi back again! ,(外媒:Intel痛失手机芯片市场,这锅CEO科再奇背!,) 235 0
117949 罗永浩:我出生前差点被打掉 - 罗永浩,锤子手机,锤子T2 226 0
117948 罗永浩漫谈成长进化:彪悍的人生也要解释 - 罗永浩,锤子手机 220 0
117944 成人用品App千万别用:被污又被骗,黄图满天飞 - 成人用品,手机应用 255 0
117795 There is a disease called “see information cannot but reply“ and you didn’t? ,(有种病叫“看到手机信息非回复不可”,你中招没?,) 271 0
117758 Intel exits is just the beginning: the mobile phone chip market will continue to “kick“(Intel退出只是开始:手机芯片市场还会继续“踢人”,) 253 0
117757 How to play at a Kentucky Fried chicken and McDonald’s cell phone? This creative and who did not,(在肯德基和麦当劳如何玩手机?这创意也是没谁了,) 243 0
117696 Beijing parking management reform: is expected to brush the phone parking(北京停车管理改革:有望实现刷手机停车) 234 0
117582 Not return to the mobile phone market, Nokia, and saw a Withings,(不会重返手机市场的诺基亚,看中了Withings什么,) 239 0
117563 Friends hot comments on nine major mobile phone manufacturers: Apple iPhone, Samsung suffered ridicule,(网友辣评九大手机厂商:苹果iPhone、三星惨遭吐槽,) 230 0
117387 Set lock screen password woman phone lost one-day loss of more than 10,000 yuan,(没设锁屏密码,女子手机丢失一天损失一万多元,) 256 0
117210 Smartphone new market: helping farmers cope with crop diseases,(智能手机新销路:帮农民应对作物灾病,) 247 0
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