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112155 Samsung brand new research in science and technology: mobile phones as we know your health,(三星全新黑科技:手机一照便知你的健康,) 282 0
112147 National Centre for laser against mobile: foreigners scared almost alarming,(国家大剧院用激光对付手机:老外吓得差点报警,) 154 0
112127 February 2016, overall market share under the phone line from the oven: the first surprise,(2016年2月手机线下整体市场份额出炉:第一很意外,) 180 0
112123 Department of radio and television and wept bitterly: Mobile TV was pay the dead alive,(广电系痛哭:手机移动电视被收费活活整死,) 190 0
112118 Cell phones are “private split“, goes the warranty? ,(手机被“私拆”,保修就泡汤?,) 168 0
111939 外媒称中国演出场馆用激光笔制止观众玩手机 169 0
111938 外媒称中国演出场馆用激光笔制止观众玩手机-演出场馆-激光笔 177 0
111871 Large Coke phone officially announced its closure: good life change machine? ,(大可乐手机正式宣布倒闭:说好的终生换机呢?,) 197 0
111861 Favorite features, these people have no interest in smart phones,(钟爱功能机,这些人对智能手机没兴趣,) 191 0
111712 View: Microsoft mobile phones businesses live on Nokia capital soon(观点:微软手机业务靠吃诺基亚老本活不久,) 251 0
111710 Views: networking, smartphones will eventually die out(观点:万网联网兴起,智能手机终将消亡,) 180 0
111685 People’s daily: Chinese new year back home, please put down the phone, looked up,(人民网:过年回家,请放下手机,抬起头来,) 208 0
111676 Mobile phone business is not making money, why established vendors go? ,(手机业务不赚钱,为何老牌厂商还硬撑?,) 184 0
111669 Master core technologies of gree, mobile phone to do why the underdog? ,(掌握核心科技的格力,做手机为何不被看好?,) 242 0
111660 Little Komehana who is the mobile phone leader, important? ,(小米华为谁是国产手机老大,重要吗?,) 276 0
111647 Hacked by North Korea and South Korea railway authorities with a number of official mobile phone, Korea was terrified,(朝鲜黑客入侵韩铁路机关与多名高官手机,韩国吓坏,) 202 0
111645 Gree mobile 10 did it can sell millet? ,(给格力手机10年,它能卖得过小米吗?,) 225 0
111637 Dong mingzhu: gree phone, Lei did not respond, no contradiction between us,(董明珠:格力做手机,雷军没反应,我们之间没矛盾,) 204 0
111625 CCTV 315 found mobile phone consumption conundrum: Meizu Apple shot(央视315曝手机消费难题:魅族苹果中枪,) 266 0
111621 Black spectrum of science and technology, why do consumers think that cell phones are no longer the innovation? ,(黑科技频出,消费者为何会觉得手机不再创新?,) 194 0
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