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122143 细数小米跨界产品:何时进军房地产? - 小米无人机,小米手机,小米 257 0
122138 一加刘作虎:中国智能手机厂商是在脱裤子竞争 - 一加,刘作虎,一加手机 234 0
121995 Dong on the green phone “artisan spirit“: craftsman products natural success(董明珠谈格力手机“工匠精神”:心中有工匠,产品自然成功,) 237 0
121993 Count 11 worst deals in the history of science and technology: Microsoft to buy if only Nokia phones,(盘点科技史上11项最失败交易:微软收购诺基亚手机悔不当初,) 282 0
121980 员工为玩手机装如厕:被主管偷拍记过 - 玩手机 245 0
121882 Women train on cell phones, and uncle swear: your violation of electromagnetic waves to me,(女子火车上玩手机,大叔破口大骂:你的电磁波侵犯到我,) 235 0
121872 Smartphones growing price of cabbage, the scientific and technological community and no luxuries,(智能手机越来越白菜价,科技界再无奢侈品,) 242 0
121864 Nokia, sharp in the hand: Foxconn has begun to integrate mobile marketing business(诺基亚、夏普在手:富士康开始整合手机品牌营销业务) 279 0
121858 Lenovo mobile phones rely on a two-year turn,(联想手机靠什么两年翻身,) 227 0
121855 Junior Youth skip classes one day, squatting the bushes get WiFi cell phones,(初三少年翘课一天,蹲草丛中蹭WiFi玩手机,) 271 0
121853 India phone Micromax to compete for business in China, people will pay for it? ,(印度手机Micromax要来中国抢生意,国人会买单吗?,) 239 0
121839 Bath bad luck after the men’s cell phone was stolen, and bathhouse encounter thieves ...,(男子手机被偷后洗澡去晦气,结果澡堂偶遇小偷…,) 244 0
121700 Project,Ara more than mobile, modular design is popular,(Project,Ara不止手机,模块化设计即将风靡,) 249 0
121687 India phone Micromax for next year in China, red rice charm blue to see how? ,(印度手机商Micromax欲明年入华,红米魅蓝怎么看?,) 243 0
121682 IBM received 24 patents a day on average speed was shocked domestic mobile phone manufacturers,(IBM平均每天获得24项专利:速度惊呆国内手机厂商,) 239 0
121506 Want to open up: India’s biggest mobile phone manufacturer Micromax into China next year,(要开挂:印度本土最大手机厂商Micromax明年杀入中国,) 234 0
121499 Share of the mobile phone operating system statistics: An Zhuochao 80%, two losing market share(手机操作系统份额统计:安卓超8成,两强瓜分市场,) 244 0
121466 ARM,CEO: cheap mobile phones sell like hot cakes, is a good thing for us,(ARM,CEO:低价手机热销,对我们是好事,) 243 0
121464 A new era: 2018 ultra mobile Internet equipment,(新时代来临:2018年物联网设备数将超手机,) 238 0
121463 70,000-mobile payment poisoning every day: scam messages can be prevented,(每天7万用户手机支付中毒:诈骗短信防不胜防,) 256 0
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