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124720 Standing earned money: Samsung said mobile phone sales targets for the year 400 million,(站着把钱挣了:三星称手机年度销售目标4亿部,) 239 0
124701 In addition to hammer phone into VR, Luo Yonghao geometry with an edge? ,(除了锤子手机还要进军VR,罗永浩胜算几何?,) 259 0
124683 80 million dollars “wasted“: Sony abandoned Brazil phone lines,(八千万美元“打水漂”:索尼宣布放弃巴西手机生产线,) 258 0
124569 Survey: 25% child in an accident why parents addicted to mobile phone,(调查:25%儿童意外事故缘由父母沉迷手机,) 244 0
124543 Gionee mobile officially announced the new spokesmen: Feng Xiaogang, and Shawn Yue,(金立手机正式宣布新代言人:冯小刚、余文乐,) 240 0
124536 Exposure does not carry a cell phone does not trump email: campaign caused by friction inside the camp,(曝特朗普不带手机不发电邮:致竞选团队内部阵营摩擦,) 256 0
124526 Avoid head family tragedy: Korea try banning cell phone safety signs,(避免低头族悲剧:韩国试推禁手机安全标志,) 258 0
124523 Against Apple Samsung: domestic mobile phone manufacturers to jointly build a patent portfolio,(对抗苹果三星:国产手机厂商欲联合打造专利库,) 233 0
124334 Test cell phones blocked, junior youth run away from home,(中考在即玩手机受阻,初三少年离家出走,) 262 0
124324 Millet publication-day cat 618 record: mobile phone, smart hardware double first(小米公布天猫618战绩:手机、智能硬件双第一) 309 0
124316 Gionee mobile new face exposure: Feng Xiaogang, Shawn mirror(金立手机全新代言人曝光:冯小刚、余文乐出镜) 298 0
124305 罗永浩:锤子手机卖得不火 - 罗永浩,锤子手机,锤子T2 251 0
124213 May China listed new phone 117, mobile phone shipments 45.474 million,(5月国内上市新手机117款,国产手机出货4547.4万,) 243 0
124203 Curl up sofa play phone, boy degeneration of the cervical spine like a 50 year old man,(蜷缩沙发玩手机,男孩颈椎退化像50岁人,) 231 0
124023 Huawei millet to see how? Letv mobile phones this fall, landing United States,(华为小米怎么看?乐视手机今年秋季登陆美国,) 276 0
123835 Smartphone business failed, Nokia with VR comeback? ,(智能手机业务铩羽,诺基亚凭借VR东山再起?,) 245 0
123824 Mobile phone brand was purchased by music video and disappear? Cool rage: see you in court,(手机品牌将被乐视收购并消失?酷派暴怒:法庭见,) 269 0
123823 Millet marriage of China Unicom, which underwrite 15 million mobile phones a year,(小米联姻中国联通:后者一年包销1500万台手机,) 273 0
123822 Men play all day, his wife was left out to divorce,(男子整天玩手机,老婆不堪被冷落要离婚,) 236 0
123821 Meizu ridicule Chinese mobile phone thousand homogeneity: Lei, Luo Yonghao friendship photo(魅族吐槽国产手机千机一面同质化:雷军、罗永浩友情出镜) 241 0
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