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118856 Google Android’s net profit to 136.6 billion yuan: over 3 billion smart phone is activated,(谷歌已靠安卓净赚1366亿元:超30亿部智能手机被激活,) 260 0
118855 Goodbye, phone a full day,(再见,手机的一天一充,) 235 0
118839 55 Yuan a year: PayPal phone broken screen insurance on-line,(一年55元:支付宝手机碎屏险上线,) 270 0
118793 Lei Yang case involved civilian police: mobile video will be announced in due course(雷洋案当事民警:手机录像视频将适时公布) 238 0
118752 警方回应雷洋案10大热点问题 没有删其手机信息-雷洋-执法 266 0
118682 Shallots and pepper, the mobile phone factory in Shenzhen in the end what is the way to survive? ,(青葱、小辣椒,那些深圳手机小厂到底有何生存之道?,) 258 0
118670 Mobile phone: snapping up every day, month and new products,(国产手机乱象:天天搞抢购,月月有新品,) 259 0
118669 Mobile phone use to judge students? State: not comprehensive,(手机话费用来评判贫困生?国务院:不一定全面,) 281 0
118668 Mobile phone manufacturers in China crazy, scorning the global shipments contrarian growth,(中国手机厂商疯狂,发货量逆势增长笑傲全球,) 261 0
118651 Father of the mobile phone: I invented “mobile phone“ biggest flaw is to be charged,(手机之父:我发明“手机”最大的缺陷是必须要充电,) 237 0
118649 Drivers on the highway looking phone, the roof was flattened,(司机高速上低头看手机,车顶被削平,) 248 0
118645 China Telecom Mobile phone number cancelled 3 years, inexplicably received excess flow,(中国电信手机号注销3年,莫名收到流量超额费,) 241 0
118637 Alibaba CEO Zhang Yong: hope accompany their loved ones when looking at mobile phones,(阿里巴巴CEO张勇:希望大家陪亲人时少看手机,) 309 0
118432 PPC, advertising systems: cell phone manufacturers began to “reap profits“ from users,(竞价排名、系统广告:手机厂商开始“宰割”用户,) 282 0
118424 Nuts mobile e-commerce run out across the hammer phone product ready,(坚果手机电商全线告罄,锤子手机新品呼之欲出,) 239 0
118416 Men’s Internet phone stolen, beaten the thief dropped nearly 200,000 yuan of compensation,(男子网吧上网手机被盗,殴打小偷失手赔偿近20万元,) 224 0
118410 Lenovo, phone wars India? Hang open peoples isn’t so easy to lie to...,(联想、小米手机征战印度?开挂民族也没那么好骗…,) 243 0
118406 Intel drubbing in the mobile phone market? To rest is to go further,(Intel在手机市场败局已定?休息是为了走的更远,) 284 0
118402 HTC mobile phones great tragedy: selling more thanks to the more,(HTC手机大悲剧:卖的越多亏得越多,) 249 0
118393 Flight attendant phone cards were made up to 150,000 bank deposits were fraudulent, China Telecom responded,(空姐手机卡遭补办致15万银行存款被盗刷,中国电信回应,) 245 0
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