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7384 Beijing 34 Metro cell phone transmission,(北京34座地铁站给手机送电,) 409 0
7379 2 mobile phones per capita in Hong Kong, Asia’s mobile phone penetration rates top(香港人均2部手机,居亚洲手机普及率榜首,) 479 0
6982 Tablets to Eclipse? 2014 Tablet phone hot wind,(平板电脑要失势?2014年刮起平板手机热,) 369 0
6980 SIM card loss caused by loss of 30,000 mobile: blunders inevitably,(手机卡被挂失致损失3万,移动:失误难免,) 423 0
6972 Millet 80% mobile Internet rate, has invested outside Cody,(小米手机上网率高达80%,已投资迈外迪,) 384 0
6589 Calendar phone which the winter solstice time is incorrect, it was holiday 1 day in advance(挂历手机测算冬至时间有误,有人提前1天过节) 393 0
6540 Open Nokia, HTC Android handset is disabled,(诺基亚开狠,HTC安卓手机被玩残,) 408 0
6531 His mark hammer, cell phone,(刻舟求剑的锤子手机,) 312 0
6141 Samsung launch three mobile 4G mobile phone, S4Note3(三星发布三款移动4G手机,S4Note3在列) 426 0
6137 Phone to download the software will be careful, possession of dangerous drugs,(手机下载这些软件须当心,可能藏毒,) 377 0
6135 Nokia is gaining an annual “best innovative smartphones“ award,(诺基亚斩获年度“最佳创新智能手机”奖,) 371 0
6126 Korea: mobile lost roaming fees, communication company 50%,(韩国:手机丢失产生漫游费,通讯公司担50%,) 354 0
6117 Case, who stole my cell phone number to send the spam messages? ,(冤,谁盗用我的手机号发送了垃圾短信?,) 281 0
6115 American media: why Microsoft is forced to buy Nokia mobile phones businesses,(美媒:微软为何被迫收购诺基亚手机业务,) 412 0
6091 用C#开发智能手机软件:推箱子 438 0
5715 Huawei pushed thousands of 4G mobile phones in the first quarter of next year,(华为:明年一季度推千元4G手机,) 378 0
5707 China-made mobile phones after savage extended: users in line maintenance,(国产手机野蛮扩张后:用户在排队维修,) 415 0
5703 Amazing hammer phone are you crazy(惊人,锤子手机这是要疯狂了,) 480 0
5209 Staring at you, NSA can listen for most GSM cell phone,(盯着你,NSA可监听多数GSM手机通话,) 383 0
5206 Smart phone the spell or something? Battery! ,(智能手机最该拼啥?电池!,) 319 0
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