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126124 Mobile phone charging higher: familiar outlets are quietly changing faces,(手机充电要求更高:我们熟悉的插座正悄悄变脸,) 246 0
126116 Five manufacturers of Smartphone “brain up“ selling point summary: full of wishful thinking,(智能手机五大厂家“脑补”卖点总结:完全一厢情愿,) 259 0
126109 Alert: man says no to passers-through mobile phones, which are routine,(警惕:男子称没电向路人借手机,这都是套路,) 245 0
126105 警惕资金诈骗:“手机银行”不可第三方代理开通 - 银行,手机银行 245 0
126064 This picture by foreign friends to play Hey: my cell phone has gone? ,(这张图被国外网友玩嗨:我的手机去哪了?,) 278 0
126045 Addiction right: heavy mobile phone users every day touchscreen to 5,427 times(戒瘾有理:重度手机用户每天触屏可达5427次,) 247 0
126042 花招翻新!这款手机APP专门冒充公检法 - 手机APP,网络诈骗 249 0
125975 日本小学生机场安静阅读,是因为不准带手机 - 日本,教育,智能手机 321 0
125924 Why Chinese-made mobile phones are very popular,(为什么中国国产手机现在大受欢迎了,) 273 0
125917 Pupils ’ begged their parents to buy phones for red hair: don’t lose a good friend,(小学生央求父母买手机只为发红包:不发就失去好朋友,) 230 0
125907 In order to identify the beauty on your mobile phone, Google acquired a company,(为了识别你手机上的美女,谷歌收购了一家公司,) 277 0
125901 A cat video, also gives your phone a potential hacker to take over,(一段小猫视频,也有可能让你的手机被黑客接管,) 208 0
125875 手游审批要送俩手机?广电总局辟谣 247 0
125858 Survey: most users replace a cell phone every two years,(调查:多数用户每两年更换一部手机,) 242 0
125853 Phone cards are made up 170,000 yuan stolen, users sued China Mobile was dismissed,(手机卡被补办使17万元被盗,用户起诉中国移动被驳回,) 269 0
125847 Mobile banking agents are rejected, men 50 times over and access 1 cent revenge,(代办手机银行业务被拒,男子50次反复存取1分钱报复,) 271 0
125829 8 pupils use a Smartphone: no friends without red hair, could be isolated,(8岁小学生用上智能手机:不发红包就没朋友,会被孤立,) 234 0
125733 Than rice and use: cat litter can phone in water back from the dead,(比大米还好用:猫砂可令落水手机起死回生,) 238 0
125731 Report: cheap mobile phones are becoming more popular,(报告:廉价手机越来越受欢迎,) 264 0
125730 Play mobile has backed United Nations: new resolution make Internet access a fundamental human right,(玩手机有联合国撑腰:新决议让上网成为基本人权,) 232 0
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