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3023 Not big enough? 5 to 6 inch screen is the future of the smart phone(够大才爽?5至6寸屏才是智能手机的未来) 411 0
2998 IPhone5s really isn’t, local despot phone now meets winter,(iPhone5s还真算不上,土豪手机如今遇寒冬,) 284 0
2992 I bend bend my Samsung surround screen Smartphone next year,(我弯我再弯,三星明年要玩环绕屏智能手机,) 405 0
2991 Huawei: these two new products will spike millet cell phone,(华为:这两款新品将秒杀小米手机,) 391 0
2983 Finish blow g Phone, Wang Feng “in full bloom“ mobile phone even stronger,(完爆庚Phone,汪峰“怒放”手机更猛,) 329 0
2978 Driver cell phone stuffed with tragedy, 1 death caused by passenger bus hit a truck,(司机开车看手机酿惨剧,客运大巴撞货车致1死,) 289 0
2964 China Mobile: push next year 13 frequency 4G of 5 mold,(中国移动:明年推5模13频4G手机,) 409 0
2963 Cell phone down a quarter of an hour online banking theft of 20,000 yuan,(手机停机一刻钟,网银被盗两万元,) 384 0
2960 BlackBerry 10:, least secure phone systems(黑莓10:,最不安全的手机系统,) 315 0
2956 Based on NFC payment, China Telecom Tianyi launched a mobile wallet,(基于NFC支付,中国电信推出天翼手机钱包,) 336 0
2934 2017 Smartphone will occupy the 82% market, Android is King,(2017年智能手机将占据82%市场,安卓为王,) 391 0
2921 Millet phone why not buy, and he knows why,(小米手机为啥买不到,又知道原因了,) 359 0
2722 Netizens anger: How do my Meizu phone like this,(网友怒了:我的魅族手机怎么成这样,) 365 0
2720 Microsoft’s Digital Cafe: WP mobile phones and flat-screen play,(微软数码咖啡厅:WP手机和平板随便玩,) 492 0
2718 Hammer handset user design and new ROM,(网友设计的锤子手机及新ROM,) 320 0
2520 Mobile phones businesses struck by the iPhone, Foxconn, the sharp “break up“,(手机业务受iPhone冲击,夏普富士康“分手”,) 395 0
2514 LG shifting business focus: shifting from smartphones to TV,(LG转移业务重点:从智能手机转向电视,) 353 0
2513 Lenovo investor selling agricultural products, like millet Lei June sold phones,(柳传志:卖农产品应像雷军卖小米手机一样,) 388 0
2512 Jingdong want to push mobile operating system? ,(京东要推手机操作系统?,) 464 0
2506 Ali counterattack Tencent: Taobao phone turn off micro-channel(阿里反击腾讯:手机淘宝关闭微信通道,) 454 0
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