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134295 春节我窥探了20位亲友的手机App,这里有他们真实的生活 - 移动互联网,App,直播 156 0
134292 国产手机集体悄然涨价,行业竞争进入存量时代 - 小米,魅族,锤子 163 0
134223 Men with a “small“ cell phones give themselves million red envelopes, and sentenced to 9 months(男子用“发小”的手机给自己发万元红包,获刑9个月) 153 0
134202 “India making“ does not work: most of India still using China Mobile phone,(“印度制造”未奏效:多数印度人仍使用中国手机,) 176 0
134200 With the mobile phone application development, India than the United States is 10 times cheaper,(同是手机应用开发,印度要比美国便宜十倍,) 196 0
134153 Sweden three man cell phone live gang rape: crime when police arrived the offender continues to(瑞典三名男子手机直播轮奸:当警察赶到时罪犯仍然在继续犯罪) 170 0
134143 全球每年约产生4亿部废弃手机,多数用户拒绝回收 - 污染,废旧手机 188 0
134123 Charge calls send phone Telecom business why do love a bargain? ,(充话费送手机,中国电信营业厅为何喜欢便宜货?,) 136 0
134062 王健林:我和马云去年争论手机能否取代电影院,事实很明显 - 王健林,马云,电影 210 0
133981 Girl on a plane does not turn off my cell phone: next plane were detained by the police,(女孩坐飞机不关手机:下飞机即被派出所拘留,) 207 0
133875 回顾20年前最火技术:手机算是奢侈品 - 大哥大,手机,DVD 193 0
133805 2016 China’s domestic mobile phone output exceeds 500 million,(2016年中国国内手机产量超过五亿部,) 144 0
133803 董明珠:格力年终奖每人1万元,还给他们送了部手机 - 格力,董明珠 221 0
133795 “.手机”顶级域名:整合网站-应用-微博-微信入口 - 顶级域名,中文域名 165 0
133774 Men in the 30 residential burglary: phone write “steal notes“(男子在30个住宅小区内行窃:用手机写“盗窃笔记”) 251 0
133767 离职男子向前同事借手机:盗支付宝转走对方工资 - 支付宝 231 0
133614 Guangxi thief all group tours to the University campus of Liaoning province to steal mobile phones: for winter and easy to grab,(广西小偷千里迢迢组团到辽宁省大学校园偷手机:因冬季易得手,) 133 0
133613 Grumpy: Thieves Steal 30 phones, fence difficult, angry smash 20(暴脾气:小偷盗窃30部手机,销赃困难,愤怒砸毁20部) 169 0
133402 China’s Ministry of public security, a-level wanted suspect arrested: 1 month through 9 college campuses to steal 200 handsets(中国公安部A级通缉嫌犯落网:1个月流窜9个大学校园偷200部手机) 207 0
133357 OPPO India invested 216 million dollar industrial park: targets an annual output of 100 million handsets,(OPPO在印度投资2.16亿美元建工业园:目标年产1亿部手机,) 310 0
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