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16991 高通联发科一统江湖,双巨头时代到来 - 博通,高通,联发科,手机芯片,基带芯片 302 0
16983 联通宽带寄生陌生手机号,谁干的 - 联通宽带,宽带 250 0
16962 初代iPhone,连迈克尔杰克逊都买不起 - 第一代iPhone,iPhone,苹果手机,迈克尔杰克逊,MJ 347 0
16822 Men inched up the phone discovered elephant pictures(男子失而复得手机惊现大象自拍照,) 291 0
16623 Tragedy: woman Mobile family salvaged two people off septic death(悲剧:女子手机掉粪池亲人打捞两人死,) 281 0
16614 Patented fierce as a Tiger: mobile one-fourth of the price to pay licensing fees,(专利猛如虎:手机售价的四分之一都缴专利授权费了,) 298 0
16613 My finger in front of cell phone cameras will detect your heart rate? ,(手指放在手机摄像头前能检测心率?,) 297 0
16597 Drunks on a plane refused to turn off the phone, resulting in tragedy,(醉汉坐飞机拒不关手机,结果悲剧,) 296 0
16572 Urumqi parts vendors sell no real verified phone cards(乌鲁木齐部分商贩兜售无实名验证手机卡) 315 0
16332 Grab you? Millet phone annual shipment goal of 80 million units,(还用抢么?小米手机年出货目标8000万台,) 419 0
16326 Court: former topless in the mobile phone must be deleted,(法院:手机里前任裸照必须删除,) 288 0
16322 Boys bed, playing in the dark mobile phones, lost his retina,(小伙被窝摸黑玩手机,把视网膜玩丢了,) 370 0
16318 被方舟子举报后,锤子手机略施小计化解 - 方舟子举报锤子手机,方舟子,罗永浩,锤子手机,Smartisan T1 274 0
16196 Yong-Hao Luo statistics how much time they hack other mobile phone brands,(罗永浩统计自己黑了其他手机品牌多少次,) 388 0
16194 We can make mobile Internet speeds up to 1000 times times,(我们能让手机网速提高1000倍,) 345 0
16181 Half of the world’s mobile phones will be manufactured in Henan province,(全球一半手机都将是河南制造,) 341 0
16040 Taiwan legislator: crossing the phone offence(台湾立法委员:过马路还玩手机,违法,) 341 0
16039 South sister to develop mobile numbers to quickly enter application(南开妹子开发手机号码快速输入应用,) 336 0
16037 Smartphone applications, what would you choose? ,(智能手机应用,你会怎么选?,) 288 0
16015 Finance APP popular phones, but watch out for the risk(理财APP风靡手机,但要提防风险,) 289 0
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