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127311 IDC,Q2 research report: China became the main battlefield of the world Smartphone,(IDC,Q2调研报告:中国成为世界智能手机的主战场,) 237 0
127310 Half of students on summer vacation in China no plan: brush mobile live(中国半数大学生对暑假无计划:刷手机度日,) 263 0
127250 China-made mobile phones the rivers and Lakes of blood and sand: you you can’t die,(中国国产手机江湖的血与沙:你行你上,不行就死,) 255 0
127201 Teenage hackers find boyfriends cell phone, cheated 3000 Yuan(少女找黑客破解男友手机,被骗3000元,) 276 0
127200 Size of China’s Internet users reached 710 million, scale of 656 million mobile Internet users,(中国网民规模达7.1亿,手机网民规模达6.56亿,) 268 0
127198 Results men million cars cell phones crash: ignored traffic police continues to play(男子开百万豪车玩手机结果撞车:无视交警继续玩,) 239 0
127187 HTML5 standard Save big flaw: battery information can be leaked Internet activities,(HTML5标准存大缺陷:手机电池信息可泄露上网活动,) 271 0
127173 Amoi mobile hero is late: 10,000 yuan can buy nearly half of the shares of the company,(夏新手机英雄迟暮:1万元就能买下公司近半股权,) 215 0
127061 Dong mingzhu, slam the phone on pronouncements, but one not afraid of falling phone brands have......,(董明珠摔手机放豪言,但上一个不怕摔的手机品牌已经……,) 242 0
126987 Mobile control caution: men bow down brushes app and one foot free fall into a cerebral hemorrhage,(手机控小心:男子低头下楼刷微信,一脚踏空摔成脑出血,) 260 0
126965 国产手机越来越贵,因为“性价比高的,都是垃圾”? - 国产手机,魅族,华为 251 0
126910 China Unicom users by stealth charges for 2 years, mobile phone bills are all normal,(中国联通用户遭隐形扣费长达2年,手机话费账单却一切正常,) 265 0
126907 Break phone lock new skills: 3D print finger,(破解手机指纹锁新技能:3D打印手指,) 233 0
126894 国产手机悄迎涨价潮,你会为此买单吗? - 国产手机,手机涨价 262 0
126877 United States report: watching porn film phone, Tablet, more users, more(美国报告:观看色情影片手机、平板电脑用户更多,时间更长) 282 0
126863 Mobile QQ quietly added rewards: say you can make money,(手机QQ悄然新增打赏功能:发个说说也能赚钱,) 242 0
126847 BlackBerry CEO that Apple refused to unlock the phone expense: enterprises should shoulder social responsibilities,(黑莓CEO称苹果拒绝解锁手机损人利己:企业应肩负社会责任,) 226 0
126841 锤子手机T4研发大换血:传荣耀团队部分成员跳槽锤子科技 - 锤子手机,罗永浩,荣耀 285 0
126840 观点:锤子手机的结局必然是被收购 - 罗永浩,锤子手机 227 0
126834 小伙手机掉专车上,司机上演“碟中谍”骗千元报酬后归还 - 专车,诈骗 281 0
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