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115873 工信部回应取消手机漫游费:加快取消步伐 224 0
115786 Girl was caught stealing friends mobile phone: asked why parents so well,(少女偷好友手机被抓:反问为何别人父母那么好,) 170 0
115784 Do you need a cell phone? 1999 how to answer,(你需要一部手机吗?看1999年人们怎样回答,) 209 0
115685 United States Congress proposed to deal with mobile phone encryption, security experts: technical illiteracy! ,(美国国会提议案对付手机加密,安全专家:技术文盲!,) 202 0
115675 Nokia in transition: in the “no“ mobile day(转型诺基亚:在“没有”手机的日子,) 183 0
115665 Foreign Media: China’s high-end smart phones to compete with Apple iPhone and Samsung,(外媒:中国高端智能手机可与苹果iPhone和三星一较高下,) 242 0
115636 Industry: VR users over mobile phone users within the next 4 years(业内人士:VR用户未来4年内超过手机端用户) 266 0
115540 Job seekers apply shall be turned over to the phone and password: boss swindled 40 phones,(求职者应聘须上交手机和密码:老板骗走40部手机,) 219 0
115407 “Interviewers“ mobile phone rate directly out of the low-end phones,(“面试官”看手机打分,用低端手机者直接淘汰,) 254 0
115402 Today’s smart phones are the same, what can we expect? ,(如今智能手机千篇一律,我们还能期待什么?,) 241 0
115392 Nvidia complaint Qualcomm monopolize the mobile phone chip market, claims for compensation for(Nvidia控诉高通垄断手机芯片市场,要求赔偿,) 192 0
115367 A Department of Wuhan University requirements “before the phone“ and arousing controversy,(武汉大学某一院系要求“课前交手机”,引发学生争议,) 205 0
115244 Taxi pick up cell phones, do not return or suspected theft,(出租车上捡手机,不归还或涉嫌盗窃,) 195 0
115240 Play phone pay attention: these positions will deprive you of your confidence,(玩手机有讲究:这些这些姿势会剥夺你的自信,) 289 0
115231 Micro-blogging the Smartphone micro-report: replace Chinese new four cool,(微博发《智能手机微报告》:新四大取代中华酷联,) 227 0
115215 Cell phones put the bed suddenly smoke blew, women to claim against the manufacturer was refused,(手机放床边突然冒烟自爆,女子向厂家索赔遭拒,) 185 0
115086 Men make shopping smart phones, receiving high imitation goods,(男子托人网购智能手机,收货竟成高仿货,) 271 0
115085 Lenovo’s move recalled the magic factory: ZUK mobile phones or put on their soldiers, and(联想移动召回神奇工场:ZUK手机或上演勤王大戏,) 226 0
115047 Shenyang police realize the “mobile patrol“, civilian police by cell phone case 78(沈阳警方实现“手机巡逻”,民警靠手机破案78起) 248 0
114848 Stay up all night cell phone novels, boys eyes tragedy(熬夜手机看小说,小伙眼睛悲剧,) 179 0
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