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2471 Shanghai detected more than 40 pseudo base station, can block cell phone signals(上海监测到40多个伪基站,可屏蔽手机信号) 428 0
2309 Mediatek high-end eight-core chip the sword: lower Smartphone prices,(联发科八核芯片剑指高端:拉低智能手机价位,) 435 0
1942 Suspected c series BlackBerry smart phone exposure,(疑似黑莓C系列智能手机曝光,) 317 0
1940 Replace the camera? Talk to Nokia Smartphone camera innovations,(取代相机?诺基亚谈智能手机摄像头创新技术,) 444 0
1734 Netizens are angry: the double 11 in East Beijing bought cell phones is disappointing,(网友怒了:双11在京东上买的手机让人失望,) 337 0
1728 Gartner: Lenovo’s reverse hit into a global Smartphone industry third,(Gartner:联想逆袭成全球智能手机行业老三,) 494 0
1361 Each handset in the second hidden operating system(每部手机里都藏着第二个操作系统 ) 441 0
1357 CM founder said to push the OPPO Android phone(CM创始人称将与OPPO合推安卓手机 ) 429 0
1154 Smartphone comes pre-loaded with the new rules the four dead zones(智能手机预装应用新规四大盲区 ) 419 0
1153 Smart phones forced preinstalled software, do you use?(智能手机强制预装软件,你用过吗? ) 504 0
1137 New discovery: through cameras and microphones phones PIN code(新发现:通过摄像头和麦克风可破解手机PIN码 ) 328 0
1135 Moving sale 4G phone: see less and buy more(中移动开卖4G手机:看的多买的少 ) 461 0
1127 Men dumbfounded: buy Remy online cell phone had received 4 pieces of broken tiles(男子傻眼:网购小米手机竟收到4片碎瓷砖 ) 390 0
1108 Google is using smartphones to track consumer location(谷歌利用智能手机跟踪消费者地理位置 ) 521 0
1075 All major B2C mobile phone war bis 11: experience needs to be strengthened(各大B2C手机端参战双十一:体验有待加强 ) 350 0
1054 Why Taiwan people do not like to use millet phone(为什么台湾人不爱用小米手机 ) 497 0
850 SIM card is revealed free SMS send 750 million phones under threat(SIM卡被曝可用短信发送病毒 7.5亿部手机受威胁 ) 461 0
843 GM built cars into the wheel on the Smartphone(通用汽车欲将汽车打造成为轮子上的智能手机 ) 374 0
842 Girls playing with the apps off toilet is father’s rescue was poisoned by poison(少女玩手机掉茅坑被熏死 父亲施救中毒身亡 ) 365 0
838 Beijing Mobile NFC phone card sneak peek(北京移动NFC手机一卡通抢先体验 ) 399 0
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