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11201 LG: cell phones, televisions are sold, is not to make money,(LG:手机、电视都大卖,就是不赚钱,) 314 0
10711 Two vendors selling fake millet phones and was sentenced to pay 14,000 yuan,(两商贩卖山寨小米手机,被判赔偿14000元,) 428 0
10710 Thief and his wife with a stolen cell phone camera topless, results ...,(窃贼夫妻用偷来手机自拍裸照,结果...,) 749 0
10695 Lithium battery with fragile, frostbite of the Smartphone,(脆弱的锂电池,冻伤的智能手机,) 317 0
10691 Independent road of suffering: Tizen Samsung phone extension(自主之路磨难多:三星Tizen手机再延期,) 381 0
10688 Earnings prospects: without a mobile phone Nokia(财报前瞻:没有手机的诺基亚,) 273 0
10325 New cell phone recharge takes 8 hours for the first time? ,(新手机第一次充电需要8小时?,) 405 0
10315 In January America’s ranking of top ten smartphones released,(一月全美十佳智能手机排行出炉,) 309 0
10305 China or to approve Microsoft buy Nokia mobile phones businesses(中国或将批准微软收购诺基亚手机业务,) 403 0
10304 Black mobile phone, it looks like?! ,(黑米手机来了,就长这样?!,) 322 0
10204 Guangdong between idiopathic notice: meeting in the mobile PC(广东两会特发通知:开会别玩手机电脑) 277 0
10148 12,306 mobile ticketing of railway services such as client platform launched(铁路12306手机购票客户端等服务平台上线) 233 0
10109 Self test: do you have a smart phone overuse syndrome,(自检:你有智能手机使用过度综合症吗,) 474 0
10103 Number of Internet users in China reached 618 million, of which 500 million mobile phone Internet access,(我国网民数达6.18亿,其中5亿用手机上网,) 324 0
10102 Mobile phone sticker touch-screen rechargeable(这膜会火:手机贴膜触屏可充电,) 308 0
10086 Alipay associate bank card, what happens if your phone is lost,(支付宝关联银行卡,如果手机丢了会发生什么,) 319 0
9718 Good news, for charging the mobile phone on the train during the Spring Festival this year,(喜报,今年春运火车上可以给手机充电,) 288 0
9704 记者实测春运抢火车票:正常渠道各种失败,-,12306官方订火车票,12306手机客户端,,春运,抢票软件, 338 0
9702 小米被骂的最惨的一次,太直接,-,大神手机,小米手机, 404 0
9476 Shanghai took the lead in breaking the mobile Internet traffic month clear terms(上海率先打破手机上网流量月清条款) 300 0
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